5 / House

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It has been a week and still no sign of the rescue team and the two young ones on the island slowly started losing their hope. One week isnt long but for the people who's life depends upon it, it seems like forever especially when there is no foods and shelter.

They've been eating fruits but that couldnt satisfied their hunger, they needed more. Their once glowing and soft skin started to become dry as they lay on the sand hopelessly.

"No one is going to rescue us aint it?", Hyejoo quietly says and earn a long deep sigh from the male. Call them dramatic but their situation is something which they've only seen in movies and never in their life have they ever thought that it could happen to them too.

"We shouldn't lose hope Hyejoo", eventhough Wooyoung was trying to bring the positivity to the weak one, he himself knew no one is rescuing them that soon.

They watch the cloud chasing each other and the sun burning high up in the sky. They wanted to do something about it but the only way was blocked by a huge ocean even if they wanted to sail back, surely the sea will swallow them.

"If we are going to get stuck here for the rest of our life, atleast lets build a house. Make fire and go fishing, hunting or whatever, lets entertain ourself"

Wooyoung look at the girl with a frown on his face and just close his eyes on her again. "You're watching too many movies, where will we find fire and fish whatsoever?".

Hyejoo scoff at the so positive boy and left him. She walk around the wood and look for something suitable. She pick up the sticks, a long ones and the fallen coconut leaves, using another plant for rope and start gathering them. She could hear Wooyoung doing something god knows what in the distance, but one could tell he was going to tear apart the piece of the plane that once trap him before.

"That good for nothing guy", Hyejoo mumble and continue collecting the woods. The only place she once used to build a house is in minescraft and this definitely is different from how she remembered.

Two people with full of pride, who dont even know how to do their dishes are here together, trying to build a house and you could tell that its gonna take a lot and lots of high risk and work.

Wooyoung came back later only to carry the same pieces that he tried to spread the whole day. It was not very big or long but quiet enough for the two of them if they were going to use it on them.

"Its for the rooftop", Wooyoung came smiling widely hoping to get praised from the girl and for a while he could see the smile forming in the corner of her mouth. But her pride like always wont let her praise him.

"Impressive! Only if there is even a house to use it as a rooftop"

"Cant you just except the fact that I did awesome?"

"When did I dont agree with that?"

"But you never agree to it as well...?"

Hyejoo sigh, she knew it was no used to have another war with the childish boy and just continue on tying the woods from tree to tree making a four shaped house figure in the middle and clap her hands in satisfactory.

"Lets just build this together shall we?"


Aurora Flight 1117 still missing

"It has been a week and there is still no sign of the 'aurora flight 1117' which went missing around the north bobba ocean. It is believed that the plane crashed due to overheating system in the left wing as per last call from the auto-pilot. The rescue team is still in search of the dead bodies and the remaining pieces of the airplane".

"The aurora flight 1117 which mysteriously dissapeared without a trace has shocked thousands of people and the family of those who boarded on the plane are mourning their loved ones".

"One of the reason why aurora flight 1117 is perking up everyone's attention is that the daughter of one of the biggest company in south korea, Shin Hyejoo is believed to be on the plane".

"An idol who went missing along with aurora flight 1117 has made the whole celebrity world mourn and his fans are lightning up candles in paying respect for him".


txx188 : I heard Shin Hyejoo was on her way to her wedding, how pitiful she had to board on the wrong plane.

minsiu : Hyejoo used to attend the same middle school as me and was a very sweetheart, the world lost such a great person too soon.

woo4life : Woyoung oppa, come back soon we missed you

jwy19_99 : Wooyoung is not dead yet I just know it, please rescue him soon.

wootoottoot : We will wait for you forever Jung Wooyoung

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"Rescue team is still on the search and we can only hope for a miracle that there is a survivor. We give our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the people who boarded aurora flight 1117"


A/N : Can I get what the situation are at your places with Covid-19?

Lockdown 4th phase has just been announced at my place although the situation isnt the worst in my hometown.

Everybody be safe and stay home while reading my books 😳😳👌

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