3 / Hunger

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It was almost dark when they pull out Wooyoung who was stucked. Hyejoo calmly clean his wounds for him but since there was no medicine, all she could do is prevent it from infections by cleaning it thoroughly. Wooyoung flinches away everytime it stinges and Hyejoo is almost so close to losing it.

"Stop acting like a child!", she scolded and he can only tries to stay still which is failing.

"Try being in my state", Wooyoung argue back and Hyejoo only apply it harder as a revenge for talking back.

"We need food", Hyejoo say out loudly followed by a grumble on her stomach. She was regretting so much she didnt eat dinner in the plane because she was discusted by different people in the room. She couldnt eat in that much crowded place but now she really needed those foods she decline again.

"There must be fruits somewhere", Wooyoung says and slowly stand up only to fall back again and Hyejoo helped him up.

"When do you think we'll be rescued", she cant help but wonder and look up towards the sky. She regret so many things in her life, she didnt think she would up like this, if she knew this was going to happen, she would always show her parents she love them and her fiancé too.

"They must already be informed about the plane crash, I think 3 days by default", Wooyoung assure her and she help him towards the wood, hoping to find something to eat there.

"What if they never found us?", she was close to tears. Throughout her life Hyejoo did nothing but to ask for everything she needed without her working and she was so used to the life, being babied and treated like a mistress that her soft heart cant take the situation.

Wooyoung pat her back lightly and smile at her, "They will find us dont worry".

Hyejoo looks around the places and since it was already dark, it was hard for her and way scary especially without Wooyoung. His legs started to get more paining and he had to rest but Hyejoo need to find dinner for them or they might starve to death before they could even rescue them.

Suddenly she smell something, smell of fruits that is eatable and let her nose bring her there. The fruits falling from the tree and splashing on the ground made a smell which attracts her and she finally jump in happiness. It was a berry and eventhough it might not satisfy their hunger, it was better than nothing.

She sit down under the moonlight and start plucking the fruits but she have another problem, she didnt have a basket and all the fruits will be spilt because her small hands cant grab all of them.

She pull out her top and was left only with a thin shirt she wear underneath, luckily it was summer so she wont be needing the expensive office coat anytime soon for now. However she was almost dying because of the heels she was wearing. 'I should have worn sneakers', she scold herself mentally which was not necessary anymore.

A sudden screeching sound from the distance perk her ears and her stood up making some of her plucked fruit fall from her laps.

"Is that the boy?", she ask herself and ran before she could think twice. She didnt want to be left alone in the woods and unknown Island by herself. If the boy dies, she wants to be death as well. Thats how much she was scared to be alone.

When she reach there, Hyejoo drop all of her fruits and shriek loudly. There was another man all covered in bruises and injuries. Wooyoung was helping him amidst his own state.

She ran forward and help the two and made the new comer lay down on the available space. He look like one of the air host from his uniform and Hyejoo sigh in relief. 'Another survivor'

The man was having fever and Hyejoo panick. He need medicines for his injury or he might not be able to endure the pain. He probably lost a lot of blood and was pale as a snow.

"Did you find anything to eat?", Wooyoung ask her softly and she woke up from her thought, turn around and grab the dress on the floor that is covering the fruits.

Wooyoung and her immediately ate them like a hungry bear and after finishing all of them, Hyejoo eyed Wooyoung who only stare at her blankly.

"Do you think he would want one?", Hyejoo ask carefully gesturing towards the sleeping man but not wanting to alarm and wake him up.

"I dont think he is in a state to eat", Wooyoung answered and continue with his feast.

"Let me go fetch some water and lets clean his injury before we sleep", Hyejoo say out and clean her surroundings.

"You know what? You are better than your first impression, I thought of you as a spoilt brat who only care about themselves but you somehow proved me wrong", Wooyoung says what was on his mind.

"Really? Do we know each other before?, she smile sheepishly at him.

Wooyoung only blink and was about to open his mouth before the girl arch her eyebrows and widen her eyes, cutting him as she pointed accusingly in his direction and glare.

"YOU! The first class boy? Where's your eyebrows?"

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