1-Panicked breathing-1

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Part one of this new fic, please enjoy! 

AU where FFH happened, but also, nobody died in endgame- soooo Ya... 

Steve's voice boomed over the coms.

"Keep safe out there guys, we have no idea what these weapons can do."

"Re-LAX Cap! were gonna be fine!" a sarcastic Clint boomed back.

"Just stay safe out there."

Peter sat perched at the top of the warehouse.

"Hey uh, Cap- Captain? Uh, on your left!" Peter yelled through the coms. Steve whirled around and took down a baddie.

"Thanks, queens, make sure to watch your own six too." Steve thanked him. Peter took the advice and turned around. Just in time too. His spidey sense came in a little too late.



A ringing buzz filled Peters's head. He groaned in pain. His head was throbbing and his chest heaved trying to suck in air. Panic struck him when he realized he couldn't. He tried to breathe, but realized in a painful, sudden second, that his face was wrapped in duct tape, only his eyes and slit under his nose was free. He tried to move, but his entire body felt weighted down. It was, He was tied to a chair that was bolted to the floor. He started to breathe heavier and heavier, but considering the lack of air, he started to hyperventilate. his chest rose and fell faster and faster, his eyes darting around the small enclosed room. No windows or doors were around him. He could feel the lack of air reaching his lungs, or, not. And he could feel himself passing out.


Over the coms:

Natasha: Anybody heard from Peter in a while?

Steve: No, I haven't, anybody got eyes?

Tony: He's not at his post, and his suit's tracker says he's somewhere in New Zealand, so that's not right.

Clint: Anybody? any ideas?

static filled the coms. A deep brooding voice filled the radios. Everyone stopped fighting for a second, or at least as much as they could.

I can hear you fools are wondering over your little boy.

He isn't necessarily safe.

Well, let's just see what he has to say.

Peter's groans and panicked breathing came through the earpieces. Everyone listened, as they got more panicked, then stopped. Steve looked at Nat, and they exchanged fearful glances.

You fight, kick, punch, your way out of things. But your sweet little kiddo, the 15-year-old child you brought to the battlefield, decided to be the lookout while you guys "kicked ass?" and you know where that got him? No. You don't. And you have One. Hour. To find him, or! you can let the little spider try to kick and punch his way out of that. But considering he's currently unconscious, and tied up, and locked in a secret airtight room, that may or may not be filling with water, I highly doubt that. So- as I said, you have an hour. But I mean hey, whatever you guys decide.


Water started to trickle into the room. Peter's spidey sense woke him up with a start, He kicked the chair, trying to wiggle his way out. little did Peter know is that all his desperate cries for help and his panicked breathing were being heard by the avengers. He splashed the water with his feet, which were bare. In fact, he was stripped down to his boxers. No suit. As a matter of fact, he hasn't even realized, his body was covered in scratches and bruises, cuts, deep ones. Peter Tried to remain calm, but his lack of oxygen didn't help, He kicked and screamed. He shook his head violently, screaming through the duct tape. he managed to pull off enough on the corner to manage a scream that had words.

'HELP SOMEBODY HELP GOD PLEASE HELP!" Then silence, except for dry, heavy sobs, and a scream of pain, as one of the ropes holding him to the cold metal chair dug into one of the deep gashes in his thigh.

He couldn't hear anything except a loud ringing in his ears, and a very distant trickle of water. So, So, distant. 

He cried out one last panicked desperate plead for help before slipping back into unconsciousness, the feeling of water filling the room. The echo of his shallow quickened breathing filled his brain, the last thing he heard before falling into blackness.


this is part one of a new fic, please let me know if you have any one-shot requests in the comments and I will continue this fic, along with my one-shots. Love you guys as always! 


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