7- Almost there-7

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Peter stood there, shocked. Quentin Beck stood before them

"I thought you- I thought you were dead?"

Wringing his hands, beck stepped forward. He stared at Peter with a crazed desperate expression in his eyes. A look of determination, pride, and anger burned in him. He leaned forward and it turned into a laugh.

"Oh I know"

Peter's chest heaved with painful breaths. His head was throbbing. He could barely stay up- more or less awake. He hesitantly let go of tony and steve, barely able to keep his head clear enough to keep his balance. He put his foot out to take a step closer to Beck, but his legs couldn't support his own weight and collapsed onto the ground. He weakly held himself up on all fours. He stared up at beck with defeat in his blurry eyes, But all that stared back was a different man. A revenge crazed lunatic. Beck rolled his eyes and sarcastically sighed. 

"That's what I thought."

Steve and Tony lifted the drowsy Peter to his feet. Peter hissed in pain but tried to hold it in.

"little peter running back to Tony. Where was he in Europe? Huh?" Beck stepped forward.

Peter spat blood on Beck's shoes.

"Busy recovering from saving your ass"

Beck laughed. I didn't snap, or blip, or any of that shit. I didn't need saving. I needed you, Peter. You are the shittiest part of this whole "team" Pete. You are the damsel in distress. You're the one who needs saving, the one that's needed to be helped, trained, protected, 

you're just a piece of shit." Beck stared at the avengers. Making eye contact with all of them. "See what I mean?" Peter was drifting. He forced himself to stay awake, it was hard but he did. Tunnels closed in his vision and even being held up by Tony and Steve he felt as if he was going to fall to the floor. His head buzzed and he felt weak. All the voices surrounding him blurred into a slur of sound. Everything around his made no sense. He didn't understand the words around him or the cries for him to stay awake. He collapsed in Tony and Steve's arms. Beck laughed.

"I thought so!" Peters breathing in his sleep suddenly became more and more shallow, slowing to the point of barely there. his eyes rolled around in his head, and his heart rate shot up. Tony and steve set him onto a table. "we gotta get him to Banner- he's going into cardiac arrest! He lost too much blood- nothing for his heart to pump"

beck saw his opportunity and took it. He sprinted towards the exit when Natasha grabbed him by his shirt and threw him onto the ground. Beck looked scared. She dug her stiletto boot into his chest and leaned in. "Shut your mouth." Then punched him out cold.

Clint took the jet and flew at top speed towards the compound. Peters's breathing had practically stopped, his heart rate was slowing, and he seemed to be losing. Everything had gotten to him. They landed 7 minutes later, and Peter was barely holding on. They ran him into bruce, who quickly set him on a table. Banner assessed the situation.

"WE NEED A DEFRIBULAOR!" Banner yelled, He got ready and shocked Peter, and his heart rate stabilized, and bruce hooked him up to a drip, pumping O- into his veins. Peter's breathing steadied as he breathed through his oxygen tubes. Bruce had stitched up the stab and patched his broken ribs. The chaos had settled, and Tony sat next to Peter in the hospital wing of the compound.

"Tony. Petes not doing too hot. I- I gotta tell you something. And it's pretty serious." Banner said calmly. He tried to sound as calm as possible but it was hard. Tony's heart sank.

"Give it to me straight bruce." He sighed

"Do- do you know what hypoxia is?"

Tony shook his head.

"I'm afraid the other reason that peter was going into cardiac arrest wasn't just because he didn't have enough blood to pump...hypoxia affects the brain, and then the organs. Peters's brain was without oxygen for too long. Those moments he was awake, the oxygen wasn't reaching his brain, and being awake, he used up too much energy. He didn't have enough blood to pump and his brain had ordered his organs to start shutting down. If peter pulls through this, he-" banner had to stop for a moment. "He isn't gonna be the same."

Tony sat back in his chair and stared forward.

"But he's gonna live though."

Banner stood up and laid a comforting hand on tonys shoulder. "I don't know" he sighed.



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