4. Meet, the fam!

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Suddenly, someone hits the door open so powerfully...

We both looked where the sound came from and looked horrified. Justin instantly went in front of me like covering me.

His reflexes are fast though.

I gripped his shirt on his waist part tightly. I'm holding my breath trying not to create a sound. But I sniffed his scent though. It's sooooo good.

"Paolo! Where are you?!" says the voice of a woman.

My mom.

We both exhaled in unison let our bodies calm. Cause obviously, we got scared. We heard my mom climbing upstairs going to Paolo's bedroom.

He then faced me, "Is that your mom?"

"Yeah" I sighed. He nodded and took a sip of his drink. I laughed at his face. "Now you got some whipped cream on your lips," I said while laughing. He looks so cute, I can't help it.

"Care to lick it for me?" he playfully said.

I hit him on his arm, "No." We both laughed and he licks his upper lip. I closed my lips and swallowed.

Bish that's a crime. That looked hot, let me tell you. I felt shivers running down my spine.

"Jane! Come up here." mom calls.

I nodded to Justin signaling to come with me and we went upstairs. "What ha--- oh," she said as she recognizes Justin standing beside me with a smile plastered on his face. Trying to look immaculate.

Yeah, he is an actor.

"Hi, Uhm... Justin" mom says, still couldn't believe.

"Good evening, Mrs. Diaz." he walks towards my mom and offered her a handshake. They shook their hands.

"Wow, you looked... extremely good." mom says, still shocked.

Wake up, mom.

"Thank you, Missus Diaz." he acknowledged.

"Uhm, can we do the talking outside 'cause, Paolo may need to get some rest."

"Yes, of course." mom kissed my brother's forehead, stood up, and came with us. We went to the living room and found Jessy removing his jacket. He looked at us and Justin. He's astounded too. Justin walks towards him and they did the bro tap.

"Uhh, you guys already know Justin Clark. So, no need to.." I said.

"Yes." Mom and Jessy said concurrently.

"Okay," I said.

"Thank you, Justin for helping my children. It's so kind of you." mom appreciated.

"You're welcome, Missus Diaz. I'm very happy to help." Justin rejoined.

"And for that, is it okay if you have dinner with us?" Mom offered. I looked uptight. I don't want to feel awkward while having dinner.

Oh no no no no no, please say no.

"Yeah, sure. I would love to." Justin said, happily.

Sana all, happy. (I wish everyone's happy)

"Great! Okay, I'll cook dinner now. Your dad will be home soon, okay? For like about 20 minutes." she told us then went to the kitchen.

"I'll just set up the dinner table," I said and walk out. Jessy and Justin continue their conversation in the living room. They get along pretty well. They were talking about, cars, girls, and many more.

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