Altered Plans

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I pushed the door wide enough to slip through the space between his leg and the wall and let the door shut behind me

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I pushed the door wide enough to slip through the space between his leg and the wall and let the door shut behind me.

"Come here, oh my goodness." I said after a few moments of watching him on the floor. I bent down to help him up and his heavy eyes seemed both shocked and relieved to see me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked between breaths and I looked over his shaking body frantically.

"Chris you need to go to the hospital" I said ignoring his question and he shook his head.

"I'm good alright...It'll stop" he said back, now on the couch I helped him on to.

"You were just halfway passed out. You are not good!" I shouted back with tears in my eyes. This is the last thing I thought I'd see today.

"It's withdrawals Kam. Please just don't argue with me right now." He sounded so weak that it actually broke my heart to hear him speak.

After that my words got caught in my throat and I shook my head leaning against the mixing board of the studio and just watched him lay there. I couldn't bare watching him shiver as the apparent chills ran through him and just like I would with my mom when she was going through the withdrawal process I took off my shoes and jacket and laid behind him on the studio sofa.

"Thank you." He groggled as I put my hand on his back and rubbed it soothingly. Tomorrow we could have an honest conversation, but tonight I just needed to be here.

I text mijo that I'd made it over here and that he was okay before allowing him to sleep under my hold.

"You don't have to thank me" I said back once he'd stopped shaking and fallen to sleep.

The next morning I got up early. Chris was an early bird and I wanted to make sure I got up and made him something to eat before he got up and also before it was too late in the morning. I needed to get back over to Zion and Michael.

I looked around his room for where I knew he kept his spare tooth brushes, then went into Zions nursery where he'd subsequently created a space for me too. I hadn't ever used the space but he had put the things I'd left there overtime in there in the closet. I hadn't had a chance to collect them.

I changed into an old pair of leggings and a tank after brushing my teeth and briskly threw together some breakfast pancakes and bacon for him. I'd read up on withdrawal and carbs, high fiber foods and glucose were all listed to help.

"Sup." Chris said dragging his feet along his kitchen floor. As I watched him move through the room I got all clammy again. I hated to see him this way and I felt even worse that he seemed so... alone.

"Morning...I made you something to eat?" I told him pointing to the stove and he looked over at it before walking over to him coffee machine and pouring some into his mug.

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