Life Goes On

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"You stay here

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"You stay here. I'm going to take Zion with me ok?" Neesha spoke after what felt like hours of silence. I stared up at her and shook my head.

"He needs to be with me right now." I told her holding on to my son tighter and she put her hand on my knee with a reassuring head nod.

"He needs to sleep Kam. You stay here, I got him. He'll be fine." She told me as I stared into her eyes for a second longer with my eyes that were full of tears and when I decided I wasn't going to fight any longer I slowly handed a sleeping Zion over to her.

She was right he shouldn't have been here in the first place, but everything happened so fast and I couldn't leave Chris so I rode over to the hospital with Zion.

"Please take it easy Kam. You're going to get through this." She told me encouragingly and I nodded, hugging her once more before she left.

I sat outside the hospital room for hours. Between the shade room having already reported of the alleged incident between Chris Brown and Michael B Jordan, the media had also caught wind of Michael and I's marriage certificate. Today couldn't get a lot worse.

"Kamaiyah?... oh my gosh is he okay?" I heard from behind me and turned seeing Yanee run into the waiting area. Why was she here.

"He's okay. The paramedic said he was lucky the glass clearly didn't pierce any major arteries. He's okay" I told her shortly and she raised her brow in surprise then furrowed them.

"What happened?! Why were they fighting, Neesha didn't go into detail." She asked clearly concerned and I sat down with a long sigh.

"You should probably talk to Chris about it..." I told her and she nodded.

I could tell she wanted to speak again but it was clearly awkward. If I were her I'd be lighting shit up trying to figure out why my boyfriend was in a hospital bed after allegedly fighting his baby mama's husband. But she obviously wasn't me.

"Is Zion okay?" She edged out and I looked up to her then nodded slowly.

"Mrs Jordan?" The doctor came out and we both turned our heads up and surprisingly Yanee was the first to stand up and walk towards the doctor.

"Is He Okay!?" She asked frantically and the doctor looked between us seemingly confused and I stepped closer.

"I'm Mrs Jordan. Is he okay?" I asked and the doctor sighed.

"Are either of you Mr Browns spouse or family?" He asked again and I nodded but before I could speak Yanee did.

"I- I'm his fiancé. Doc please is he okay?" She spoke quickly and I blinked repeatedly in her direction. She's his what?!

"Well he is fine. As you know no arteries were pierced by the glass and he has no internal bleeding. Just a series of fractures and bruises which we have him on some painkillers for, but he should be fine." The doctor spoke looking at Yanee and she let out a sigh with a head nod hearing the doctors words. I was happy to hear them too but what did concern me was that Chris would be back on painkillers; given the fact that he'd just come out of a bad place from being on them before I really didn't think it would be good for him.

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