chapter 6

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sister, sister
~chases pov~
charli and i are sitting at the window in dunkin, laughing, talking and of course drinking coffee until charli gets a phone call. a scared look starts to grow on her face. she shows me the phone and it reads "mom💖". the same look appears on my face considering her family had no idea where she's been all night and where she is now so their probably gonna be mad. she clicks the answer button and i come next to her so i can hear. "CHARLI DAMELIO WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" her mom shouts through the phone. "i-i... i can explain" charli says with tears in her eyes. "GET HOME NOW" i hear her mom scream. she starts crying and grabs my hand. "o-o..ok.." she whispers through the tears. they then hang up and she starts to ball her eyes out. i crouch down to her chair level and take both her hands. "bubs, what's wrong?" i ask. "i just hate when my parents shout at me..." she whispers. i know there's more to it but i don't think she wants me to know for now. i give her a long tight hug and kiss the top of her head. "i'll be there every second charls" i comment. i feel her smile into my chest and she pulls away and says "promise you won't leave my side no matter what they say?..." she says all shy. "i promise" i say connecting our pinky's. she smiles at me and we walk out the door. once we're inside the car charli receives another phone call, this time from amelie. "someone wanna tell me why your moms here asking to pick you up?" she says in an confused/offended tone. "that's a long story but please just try distract her for a little" she says getting nervous and starting to shake. "fine but i wanna know everything later" amelie agrees. me and charli both sigh in relief. "thanks ams, i love you, bye" charli says hovering over the hang up button. "love you too charles, bye" amelie whispers. after many wrong turns we end up and charlis house when she gets a text from amelie reading "i've done my best. she's on her way". charli looks at her house then back at me and says "why can't we just run away together...". "bubs you know i want to but sadly we can't.." i sigh. "let's get this over with" she says getting out the car. i follow behind her and grab her hand as she starts to shake. she slowly opens the door. no ones there. she leads me upstairs and into a room which i'm guessing is hers. "she must not be home yet.." she says pacing in circles. "char, why does she scare you so much?" i ask. "are you not scared of your mom?" she asks on the verge of tears. "sometimes a little but never this much" i reply with. she doesn't respond. i stand up and grab her shoulders to stop her walking in circles. i turn her around and stare in her eyes. for a minute all her fear is gone until we hear a car door. "chase you need to go" she says opening up the window. "but just like 20 minutes ago you wanted me to stay" i say confused. "it will be worse if your here. she thinks it was just girls." she panics. "please chase" she starts crying. i hear footsteps coming up the stairs. "fine but promise to call me after" i say climbing through the window and onto the roof. "i promise" she replies as she closes the window. i jump down as i see her mom enter her bedroom. i jump in my car and drive home. my mom and dad are fighting again. of course. i shout "i'm home" and the just continue. i walk up to my room, slam the door and blast music. why me. why can't me parents just get along and be happy. i hear a knock at my door and turn down the music a little. "come in" i say annoyed. "hey..." my sister karissa says walking in. i turn off the music and she sits on my bed. "do you think they'll work it out?" i ask. "i'm not sure but promise you'll stay with me.." she answers with tears in her eyes. "always" i reply and give her a hug. "watch a netflix with me?" i ask her. she smiles and nods. i turn on netflix and we get comfortable. of course we picked stranger things. (watch stranger things it AMAZING) i fell asleep after hours of watching with no call or text from charli.
~charlis pov~
as chase leaves my mom enters. i shake more and she screams "GET DOWNSTAIRS NOW. ME AND YOUR FATHER NEED TO TALK TO YOU". "j-j...just talk?..." i quietly ask. "JUST GET DOWN THERE NOW" she screams. i rub downstairs to see my dad and dixie on the couch. dixie gives me a evil look and my dad gives me a more sorry look. he's always been nice to me, my mom in the other hand isn't at all. i sit down on a chair and she walks in. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN" she yells. "a sleepover..." i whisper. she slaps me in the face and smiles a little. why does this bring her joy. she never does it in front of my dad. "HEIDI STOP!" he yells. "marc sit down. i can do what i like in my house" she snickers. she kicks me in the stomach even leaving dixie shocked. "girls go to ur rooms now!" my dad shouts and we both run upstairs. when we get to the top my pain kicks in. "ahhhh!" i yelp. dixie crouches down besides me. sometimes she can be a really nice sister when needed you just never know. "need some help?" she asks. i just nod and scrunch my face in pain. she lifts me up and carries me into my room bridal style. she lays me in my bed and says "i'll go get you some ice, don't move i'll be back soon". i nod as she leaves the room. i guess this is one of the times we stick together. she walks back in around 2 minutes later with a bag of ice. she places it on my stomach and the coldness goes all through my body. "jeez, that's cold" i say and she laughs a little. we sit in silence for a little until she speaks up. "charls?" she says getting my attention. "yes" i reply. "i'm sorry i told mom. it's just all my friends were there when griffin told me and i wanted to be like them..." she looks down. "dix, why do you wanna be like them. they're not nice people and you used to be the kindest person i know" i say lifting up her head to look at me. "i don't know... i've just never been excepted completely in connecticut and when the popular people wanted to be my friends here i thought it would be a fresh start. i wasn't ready for it to be like this" she confesses to me with tears in her eyes. "dix, you know if you want to hangout with me and my friends they'll understand everything" i say taking both her hands. "i can't... i chose them over addison i can't go back now. addi probably hates me" she cries. "dix look at me" i say as i wipe her tears. "yesterday addison was crying over how much she misses you. i promise she doesn't hate you. you'll just need to gain her trust again" i say and she gives me a smile. "i missed my little best friend" she says hugging me. i hug her back and ask "so, are you in?". "definitely" she replies with. i let out a little squeal and then of course the pain kicks back in. "wait charls.." she says about to walk out the door. i look up at her to continue. "is it true griffin told you he only hangs out with my friends for me now..?" she asks. i give her a big smile and say "100% true". she returns a smile and goes away to her room. i decide to go to sleep to try get rid of the pain for a little.
-6 am-
i wake up to my alarm going off and check the time. 6 am... WAIT. DID I NOT WAKE UP FROM MY NAP YESTERDAY... oh jeez. well there's nothing i can do now anyways. i check my notifications to see 8 unread messages. i click on them and there all from chase. shit. i forgot to call him last night. in my defence i was asleep. i decide to reply to them.

charles🥺-sorry i went to bed early
last night.

chaseyyy😝-it's fine bubs, i'll pick you up?

charles🥺-sure, ill see you soon🤍

chaseyyy😝-see u soon💜

and with that i get out of bed and walk to my bathroom. i look in the mirror only for it to remind me about the giant bruise on my stomach. i guess no crop top then. i quickly use the bathroom then walk out to my closet. i pick out leggings and a sweatshirt since i kinda hate wearing dresses.i finish getting ready, brush my hair and put on a little make up then hear a honk outside. i grab some shoes and run downstairs. "dix, you ready?!" i shout up the stairs. "griffin is gonna take me today!" she replies. " ok, i love you. see you at school!" i shout walking towards the door. "love you too charchar!" she shouts back and with that i leave. i run down to chases car and hop in the front. "hey chase, hey voni" i say putting on my seatbelt. "hey bubs" chase says and starts the car. "hii shawtybaeee" avani replies. i can instantly tell she's drank way to much coffee already. "ok, what'd you do making you drink so much coffee" i say laughing a little. "i might of face-timed anthony all night.." she says getting nervous. me and chase both make a "ooooo" sound to annoy her. she blushes and smiles. "someone's in loveee" chase teases her. she lets out a giggle and i ask a little surprised "wait, so your not gonna deny it?". "nope" she laughs at my shocked face. after like 10 minutes of singing and talking we pull up to the school. we all get out and see amelie running over to us. she gives us a big hug then says "can someone give me a ride this week, my cars in the garage and that bus smells like pee". we all laugh at her. "i'll pick you up at 8 all week" chase says and amelie gets all exited. i then see dixie walking over to us and get a little nervous. "why is she coming over here?" avani asks rolling her eyes. "just try to be nice" i say looking at them one at a time. "hey charchar.." dixie says and i give her a small hug. "hi dix" i reply. she looks at all three of them and amelie and chase give fake smiles but avani being herself just rolls her eyes. "look i'm really sorry.." dixie starts. "a lot went down last night and i realised how horrible of a person i was being. im not one of them anymore. just please, give me a chance" she pleads. i give them puppy eyes and amelie speaks "well...i guess" they all agree. "but hurt charles, i'm coming for you and it won't be pretty" avani says in a serious tone. "ava, calm down a little" chase chuckles. we walk inside and let's just say ALOT of people gave us weird looks. we all returned some until we reached nessa...

Let's go back to simplicity
I feel like I've been missing me
Was not who I'm supposed to be
I felt this darkness over me
We all get there eventually
I never knew where I belonged
But I was right and you were wrong
Been telling myself all along

|song of the chapter-
dont be so hard on yourself
by jess glynne|

so now dixies joined them. wonder
what nessas gonna say bout dat. yeah
i'm just tryna be annoying by making
u wait :). anyways, anyone wanna do my school work. i'll post more if u do. nooo jk jk... unless. hehe. imma go get a snack
now so have a good day/night angels. love uuuuu🥺🥰🤍

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