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nicks pov.

we all arrive at the mall, we stopped by amelie's house to pick her up, i am not feeling like third wheeling today. as there was so many of us we all got to choose one store each, we started at hollister and then h&m, that was mainly to buy amber some new clothes though.

"i'm so bored" anthony whined as avani didn't hesitate to drag him around to see every piece of clothing.

"awh, what a shame" avani teased him back, clearly loving this.

"food court?" dixie offered.

i watch as anthony's eyes practically light up, he must've been waiting for this all day.

"yes yes yes" he exclaims in respond.

avani and amelie both share a sigh before we all leave the store, heading in the direction of the food court. when we arrive there though i notice chase's whole demeanour change, he quickly gets charli walking in front of him as he takes her hand. i notice he keeps turning around constantly like he's paranoid. i follow his gaze and instantly understand his panic, i don't hesitate before rapidly tapping avani on the shoulder.

"fucking hell nick, what is it" she snaps at me, yet her face softens when she see's my worried expression.

i point over to josh and a mumbled "shit" is all she says in reply.

when she see's that charli is safe with chase, she makes her way over to nessa before whispering in her ear and taking her hand. now realising it's us josh slowly makes his way over and before i can ever warn them he's grabbing nessa's shoulder. she jumps, avani now wrapping her arms around nessa's shoulders.

"fuck off josh" the brunette spits at him, cradling her friend.

"chill avani, was just coming to talk to chase. you can quit protecting your little girlfriend" he lets out a chuckle at his own words and makes his way over to chase. charli is now placed behind him instead.

"so huddy, you decided yet" josh carries on, now looking at chase for an answer.

"i don't know who the fuck you think you are but you need to take a step back and stop acting like an entitled dick before you get yourself in bother" avani adds on, josh's small threats not changing her attitude once.

"nick i don't like this" amelie whispers to me, her arms gripping my waist tighter as the worry she holds for her best friend is so obviously displayed.

"you're okay baby" i place i kiss on the top of her head once i'm finished speaking.

"maybe it's time you find out some of the things your boyfriend over there has done, i would like to see who the dick is after that" josh chuckles to himself, his words instantly throw me back into the reality of this situation.

"what the fuck is that supposed to mean" avani snaps, letting nessa go to take a step back and look at anthony. here anger seems to turn to sadness as the guilt on anthony's face gives it all away.

"anthony, you want to take it" the smirk never leaves josh's face, almost as though ruining their relationship brings him joy.

"ava, i promise it's not as bad as you think" he pleaded to his girlfriend, after fighting to keep everything he'd done a secret.

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