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charlis pov.

one entire week of josh torturing both of us. one week of us crying at night. one week of not seeing my best friends but most importantly, one week without seeing chase.

both nessa and i are eating at the moment. he did kidnap us but he still gives us what we need at least. i drink my water as my head throbs from the pain of crying.

"ness?" i say looking over to her.

"what's up char" she sighs returning my gaze.

"do you think we're ever going to get out of here?" i ask, my voice shakes slightly as i am unsure of my own words.

"of course we will. it may take a while but they'll find us" she says with a slight smile, i can tell she isn't so sure of her own answer.

i return the smile and pick up a slice of pizza as i go back to my magazine. as i'm flipping through the pages i see my face. i stop on the page and focus on the small writing.

"ness listen to this" i say as she looks back over to me.

"after a week of no content from both charli damelio and nessa barrett fans are starting to get worried and suspect something's up. as friends of theirs are acting weird now while they only post drafts and are never actually active on their socials. some think that they possibly needed a break from all the hate" i read looking up at her to see her reaction.

"so no one even thinks that josh fucking kidnapped us" nessa scoffs throwing her magazine on the floor.

as we both sit in silence i feel something in my back pocket. i reach back as i feel the bond bracelet avani gave me. i make a mental note to punish myself for forgetting about this later.the biggest smile i've had in a long while spreads across my face as nessa stares over at me in a state of confusion. i hold up the bracelet and watch her face light up as she now occupies the space next to me.

i tap the bracelet and click on white sending my location and signalling i'm in trouble, we had came up with our own code not long after purchasing these.

we wait for a response as nessa cuddles into me. we lay there staring at the ceiling deep in thoughts.

avani's pov.

we all sit in my living room after another long day of searching. there's no longer whispering or talking now we just sit in silence, in defeat. we no longer have hope for our girls, its been a week. anything can happen in a week, fuck they could be anywhere now. that silence lingers, no one daring to break it, that is of course until a buzz can be heard.

i feel all eyes fall on me as i look down to see my bracelet lit up. a singular tear slowly slips down my cheek as relief takes over my body.

"she's alive" i choke the words out, more tears falling as they still stare.

"how can you be so sure?" nick asks.

i point down to the bracelet and speak

"our bond bracelet"

still with tears falling down i stand up. i instantly feel my feet being lifted off of the ground as chase wraps me in a tight hug me.

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