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chase's pov.

after the girls both explained what they wanted to do we agreed to it. i mean what can i say, they have us whipped. we work on trying to figure out all the details and shit for hours until amber finally comes running downstairs.

"ANFONY, CHASEY" she shouts full of excitement as she runs over to us.

we both crouch down and she wraps her arms around us.

"hey beautiful" anthony says as she lets go of her.

i lift her up and sit her on the counter before grabbing her an ice cream cone. "my favourite!" she says before attacking the scoop of cookie dough ice cream.

we talk about the apartment a little more and how everything will work if we're planning on living together.

"HONEY IM HOMEE!" we hear someone yell from behind us. we all turn our heads to see mads and jaden standing there. i watch as the girls try contain there excitement.

"sooo, what have you two been up to?" charli asks wiggling her eyebrows at the pair.

"we just did a small little photo shoot and then ness went to go visit amelie so jaden came and joined the photo shoot" mads explains to us as she sends a glare to ensure the girls don't say anything.

"we'll discuss this later" avani 'whispers' with a small wink as she walks out holding hands with amber.

i watch anthony follow behind her leaving just me, charli, mads and jaden but before i know it, the only people left are charli and i. we sit in comfortable silence for a while until she speaks

"do you actually love me?..."

this question made my mind go crazy. of course i love her but what if she doesn't feel the same. oh shit, what if i've ruined everything.

"chase?" i hear her ask snapping me out of my thoughts. i look up at her gaining eye contact as i try to stop my mind from spiralling.

"of course i love you" i say throwing everything into the open.

charli jumps down off of her stool and makes her way over to me. i open my mouth ready to speak but instead she smashes her lips up against mine. we stay like that for awhile before she pulls away. our foreheads lean against each other as she asks a question i've been wanting to ask for a long time.

"what are we?".

"whatever you want us to be" i reply with a slight smile. she pulls her forehead back and cups my face in her hands. she then gives me a peck before grabbing her zip up and heading out the door.

"tell the girls i'm off to get take out!" she shouts before closing the door.

i stand there staring where she just walked, still thinking about what just happened. she was really trying to tease me now.

"where's char?" avani asks interrupting my thoughts.

"she's getting take out" i say turning around to face the brunette.

"looks like she already ate" avani says pointing to my lips with a giggle.

i walk over to the mirror and see the lipstick smudged on my face, she definitely did that on purpose. i chuckle a little before wiping it off.

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