chapter 8

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charli's pov.

i slowly open my eyes and see the sun glowing through the curtains. i look up and realise i fell asleep on chase. i kinda dont wanna get up just yet, i'm so comfy. i hear chase start to wake up so i close my eyes again. i feel him brushing his fingers through my hair as i flutter my eyes open. "morning beautiful" he says smiling as me. "morning beb" i reply giving him another nickname. chase then looks up and asks "how mad do you think avani would be if we poured water on her?". i giggle a little but agree to help him. ava is bout to wake up the whole house with her scream. we both walk to the kitchen and say hi to jaden, chase grabs a cup and fills it up with water, cold water. we tiptoe back upstairs careful not to wake anyone up yet. i slowly walk up beside her and luckily anthony is awake cause like i don't know him very well so i would feel bad pouring cold water on his face. we let him see the cup and i'm guessing he got the message since he stood up and went downstairs. we did a little 3...2...1 and the threw the water on her face. she let out the most deafening shriek. it made everyone jump and let's just say i think everyone's awake now. "oh, i'm gonna get you two" she says seriously and climbs out of bed. "RUN" chase screams and before i know it he's pulling me through the hallway. "get back here!!!" she shouts from behind us. "helpp!" i shout and anthony comes running from the kitchen. he grabs avani and we stop to breathe for a little. "they through water on meeee!" she says trying to wriggle out of anthony's grip. "oh, i know" he respond instantly regretting it as she turns around. "you knew?!" she says in an annoyed voice. "uh...i- um..." he stutters. "anthony i would run while u can. fyi shes very fast" i say still breathing heavy. he looks down at her and says "what do i have to do for you to not chase me around?" he asks hopeful. "gimme cuddles" she says in a baby voice. "come on then" he sighs. they start walking away until she turns back around. "just to let you two know...i won't forget this" she says and walks off. "oh jeez, i'm scared" chase says and we both laugh until we here a knock on the door. "guys hide quick, it's nessa, daisy and josh!" griffin says running in. "we need to get everyone and leave quickly" i panic. griffin just grabs our wrists and pulls us upstairs. "we gotta go!" he says running into anthony's room. everyone looked confused. "there back!" chase shouted and everyone caught on. they all grabbed all of their stuff and we try sneaking out the door. anthony first cause like he lives there so it's normal for him to be there. we start sneaking out until we notice jaden he tells us no one will ever know anything and helps us get out. we actually manage to get out. i start walking but bumb into someone. i look up to see a cop. "oh, um, i'm sorry sir" i say backing away. i hit chase on the back so he turns around. "officer..." he says nervously. "hello. i'm here to talk to nessa barrett, josh richards and daisy keech" he says looking at his clipboard. i don't think he recognises is. phew. "there just inside" griffin says opening the door. "thank you and have a good day" the officer says walking inside. "well that was close" amelie says. "we need to go somewhere else quick" nick worries. luckily anthony has a range rover so we can all actually fit in the same car. (it has two seats in the trunk. ik cause my dad has one). we all hop inside, four of us have to sit in the back tho but it's ok. we're all pretty good weights so we will be fine. i sit in between chase and amelie. "i call aux!" avani yells. we all let out a little laugh as she connects her phone and we jam out to music. "guys..." dixie says worried. "yeah?" amelie answers as avani turns down the music a little. "turn on the radio and listen to the news" she replies and avani does so. i'm confused until i hear "three young teenagers from (random school name) are in hospital from a beating by fellow classmates. it is thought the teenagers who have caused, accompanied or helped this crime are, chase hudson, avani gregg, charli damelio, amelie zilber, griffin johnson, dixie damelio, anthony reeves and nick austin. the main people to be found are chase hudson and avani gregg who actually done the beating. this is your local la news and i'm katrina ross, have a good day.". it leaves all our jaws hanging until our phones start blowing up, one by one. i just can't do this anymore....i've never been a bad kid before. i don't know how to handle this. i feel tears fall from my eyes and down my cheeks. "bubs, please don't cry" chase says wiping my tears. "i can't help it" i stutter out trying to breathe. "just take deep breaths" amelie says putting her hand on my shoulder. i do as told and it helps. like a lot. i cuddle into chase and he puts his arms around me. next thing i know i'm blacked out.
~amelies pov~
as were turning i hear sirens and see flashing lights. "COPS!" i yell making everyone jump. anthony try's to swerve away but instead another car crashes into us causing our car to flip. i feel nick pull me in closer and i close my eyes as tight as possible next thing i know were on the ground. "hello?" i hear a whisper say. i turn around to see dixie stuttering. "oh thank god your still awake" i say looking at her in the eyes. "g-g...griffin passed out" she says starting to cry
"so did nick, charli, chase, avani and anthony" i say also starting to cry. "HELLO?" i hear a yell from outside the car. dixie puts her finger over my lips signalling me to be quiet. they walk away and we both breathe again. "we need to call an ambulance" dixie says running her fingers through griffins hair with tears falling. "i see avanis phone" i say climbing over and grabbing it. i dial 911 and they send out a few ambulances and some cops. "dixie.....if they bring cops they might recognise us" i sigh. "well i would rather be in jail than not have these people in my life" she says making me smile. after 5 minutes the ambulance finally arrives. i start to tense up and get nervous until i watch how gentle they're lifting the others.'s my go. once i reach the ground i give dixie a tight hug and we both just cry together. "sorry to interrupt but we must take you too the hospital to check for any injuries" a paramedic says to us. we pull away and nod our heads in agreement. once we reach the hospital we are all rushed into separate rooms. a nurse walks in and sits down beside my bed. "do you feel pain anywhere in your body?" is the first thing she asks. "yes" i say flinching to what feels like getting stabbed in the stomach. i tell her everything that's wrong and she goes off to get a doctor so i can be examined. i take deep breathes as thinking about all my friends and nick makes me panic. "do you know how my friends are doing?" i ask quickly trying to save myself from a panic attack. "they have no major injuries but some of them are in a coma" she sighs. "who" i ask looking at her. "all of them except you, dixie and anthony" she says masking me tear up. "when can i go see them..." i ask in between crying. "your going to get an x-ray and if they say everything's ok then you can go see them" she looks in my eyes while talking. it's like she knows what i'm going through. "can i have your parents names?" she asks sending me into panic again. "uhhh, there in london right now.." i lie. "oh, i'm sorry" she says and walks away. around two minutes later i hear a knock at my door. "come in?" i say confused. the door slowly opens and in walks madi, kouvr, alex and addison. "hey..." i say a little ashamed of everything that's happening. as i was waiting for a response i revive one. an attack of hugs. the best response you can ever get. "i'm sorry.." i sigh. they all pull away and sit down beside me. "why would you be sorry sunshine" kouvr says tucking my hair behind my ears. she acts like our mom quite a lot, always cooking us food and helping us clean but most important she's always there like our mom should be. "i guess i just feel a little responsible for it.." i sigh. she lifts my chin up to look at her. "you did nothing wrong. i promise" she says then kisses my forehead. i tell them everything that happened then addi leaves to visit dixie and alex goes to check on nick for me. madi goes to check on charli and kouvr goes to see avani. they might be in a coma but i heard you can still hear things. they all come back and say there goodbyes to me then leave. here i am, feeling lonely and sad in a room full of darkness. they told me to try sleep but i can't. every time i try i get flashbacks. i just lay here staring out the window to the stars. today is most definitely the worst day of my life. i sigh and eventually i drift of to sleep.
~nessa's pov~
after hearing what happened on the news i walk over to daisy and ask "did you do this?". "of course. it's what you asked for" she says with a smirk. "it's not what i fucking asked for!" i shout in her face. "ness it's just a little fun. don't be like this" josh says walking over to me. "she almost fucking killed them!" i shout once again. "i thought you would be happy" daisy says still with that horrible smirk on her face. "look, i'm not meant to be this person! if u don't like it i don't care! i can find people who will!" i scream then storm out. i sit at the stairs in the rain, soaking wet until i feel a jacket wrap around me. i look up expecting to see josh but no. it's mads. "hey.." she sighs and sits besides me. "hi" i say with tears running down my face. "we can fix this" she says taking my hands. "how" i ask. "we will go visit.." she says looking down. "tomorrow. 10am" i offer. "deal" she replies with. "but where exactly are we gonna sleep?" she asks me. "the hotel down the street" i sigh and stand up. we walk for what seems like miles until we reach our destination. we book in and get settled for the night. i cuddle my elephant
and fall asleep.

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