Roses Fountain

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Amethyst pov
I ran, horrified as we made our way to the bottom of the cliff. We saw stevens pale, lifeless body, blood all over him and the ground, his arm bent in ways we had never seen before.
He looked like he wasnt in any pain. He didnt make any noises of pain when garnet picked him up. Garnet put her head against his chest, searching for a heartbeat. She gasped, terrified. Was there no heartbeat..? I felt tears sting my eyes.
I dont know what I would do without him. It terrified me, that we might not be able to fix it.
"We have to get to roses fountain, immediately!!" Garnet screamed
We ran. We ran really fast and we made it back to the temple. Garnet pushed the door open with her foot, her arms were occupied carrying his lifeless body.
We ran up to the warp pad and went to roses fountain. Garnet put him in the healing essence, still holding him up so he would be able to breathe.
Pearl pov
I did everything for her. I was.. nothing without her.. then.. it all became about him.. and he made me feel like.. I didnt need Rose.. but.. I needed him.. he cant be gone... he just cant..
Garnet pov
As we stood there and waited, I was justifiably.. terrified.. The things I saw in my future vision.. There were way too many possibilities it wouldnt work. It felt.. so horrible.. he meant everything to me.. he meant everything to us. He meant everything to so many people.
..we couldnt lose him..
Stevens pov
Everything was just unbelievably peaceful.. I didnt have to feel the pain anymore.. no pain at all. And then.. it all started coming back to me.. suddenly, the pain came back and I wasnt at peace anymore. I felt myself surrounded in water..
I was being held.. I opened my eyes and everything was blurry but that shortly faded away. I opened my eyes to see Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl standing in front of me.
Garnet pulled me out of the water and she hugged me.
"I thought we lost you." Garnet said, holding me in a hug, "Steven, you mean so much to us. We all hate seeing you like this and seeing you in pain all the time too. But this isnt the answer to your problems."
These words made tears pour down my eyes. "I just wanted it to stop. I-im so sorry."
Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all sobbed in a group hug.
"Lets go home." Garnet said, standing up.
Amethyst pov
I was so relieved that he was still alive, It was so scary to think that.. he could have been gone.. he could have been gone and not come back. We could have had to bury him.
That thought was horrifying. Steven could have been dead. I would have missed him so much if he was gone. Garnet carried steven to the warp pad and warped back home.
Garnet carried steven to his bed and we all sat down on the floor. We obviously were all scared he could have been gone so we would obviously want to see him right now.

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