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This concept was requested by RoxanaAxinte7 I hope you like it!

The other kids around velaris and windhaven had been picking on you for some time now. You were smaller than most kids your age and they liked to use that against you.

Of course they would never dare do it while you were with your family, especially your parents considering they were the highlord and lady.

The inner circle had suspected something had been going on with you for a while now but didn't push it, waiting for you to be ready to confide in one of them.

Mor however couldn't bare to see you so sad and quiet, so one day she took it upon herself to check on you.

She pressed her ear against your bedroom door and her heart sunk. As hard as you tried, you couldn't hide your sniffling.

"Y/n? Are you alright sweetheart?"

You were sitting against the wall next to the door, your head resting on your knees.

She laid a gentle hand on your shoulder. "What's wrong Y/n?"

You shook your head vigorously. "You'll just make it worse."

"Make what worse?"

"The other noble kids, they're so mean." You sniffled.

She lifted your chin so you could meet her eyes and she saw why you were hiding your face. Cuts and bruises littered your cheeks and eyes. "Did they do this to you?"

You became a little frightened, the anger swirling in her eyes, not directed at you, but at the people who had hurt you, it was something you had never seen from her before.

You nodded shamefully. "Yeah. When dad left me alone with them so he could speak with devlon." You whispered. "I winnowed here and told him that I went home early because I was bored waiting around so he wouldn't worry."

"Honey this is not okay. You can't just put up with this."

"I don't know how to make them stop."

She pulled you into her arms. "It's okay to ask for help Y/n."

You relaxed in her grasp and calmed down a bit. "What if they deny it? Their parents will side with them and then it'll get worse."

"Don't worry about that right now, let's just take your mind off of everything right now."

She healed your injuries and you both spent some time in the library together with tons of snacks, fuzzy blankets, and every book from your favorite genre you two could find.

Hours later, you had fallen asleep on the couch across from mor in time for your parents to return from the townhouse.

"We missed you both at dinner."

"Shit, I'm sorry feyre. Time just flew by."

"Is everything okay? You don't normally skip stuff like that, much less Y/n."

Mor sighed and positioned herself so she faced her cousin and best friend. "Some of the other kids living in windhaven and velaris have been bullying Y/n so I thought if I brought them here I could take their mind off of things."

"How long have you known about this?"

"Only a few hours." She sighed. "I went up to their room to make sure they were alright, and their face was all bruised so I asked what happened and they told me."

Rhys' fists clenched and unclenched as your mother moved over to where you were and stroked your hair soothingly.

"I took them to windhaven with me earlier today." He realized. "They told me they went home because I was taking too long."

"It's not like you could've known, up until now they believed that if they told anyone then everything would escalate. We all know those kids are going to deny everything they did."

"Well we can't just do nothing."

"We'll help Y/n, we just have to be smart about it."

"How the hell do you suppose we do that?"

"It's simple, we have to teach her self defense."


In the coming days your parents officially banned you from going to windhaven to prevent another incident with those kids. No it wasn't permanent, but you were extremely satisfied with the decision nonetheless.

In order to help you avoid the kids within velaris, your mother and father insisted that at least one of them was with you whenever you wanted to leave the house.

You thought it slightly irritating at times even if you were getting a chance to spend more time together.

They didn't want to see you in pain, any sort of it.

Your mental health improved as time went on and everyone's worry started to ease just a bit. You knew that once you did go back to life as it was before you had to see your tormentors again, but your family was trying everything they good to ensure that you were prepared.

Cassian trained you initially, but Azriel stepped in once you improved.

They, along with your parents of course, trained you mercilessly.

"Y/n you have to promise me something."

"What do you mean dad?"

Rhysand kneeled in front of you and grasped your hands in his."When you do run into them again, promise me you won't hurt anyone without a good reason. I know they said and did a lot of cruel things to you, but you can't let your anger get the best of you." His brow furrowed a bit. "Only fight to defend yourself or someone you care about."

You laughed and touched in between his eyes. "Relax dad, or you'll get wrinkles."

His laugh bounced off of the training room walls. "You're right, how silly of me for forgetting."

You wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your head on his shoulder. "I promise I won't hurt anyone unless I absolutely have to."

He hugged you back and wrapped his wings around you. "I'm sorry some people are so awful."

"It's okay. Thank you for taking care of me and keeping me safe dad."

"It's my job."

"I know but you've been going out of your way to make sure I'm alright, not just you everyone, and I know I might get annoyed but I really do appreciate it."

His voice caught slightly. "I love you Y/n."

You laughed a bit. "Are you crying dad?"

He swallowed. "No."

You knew he was lying but went with it anyway. "I love you too."

You felt carefree and less anxious as you thought of when you would have to face your bullies again. With the entire inner circle and your parents backing you up, you felt like you could do anything you set your mind to.

Now, you understood it was okay to get help if you were having a rough time of things because you had so much support. 

This was the first time in a while that you felt so incredibly happy.

And that was okay.


Hopefully you all enjoyed! If any of you want to make a request or just talk about your day feel free to message me!

Ik most of you think it's weird since we don't know each other but I promise I don't bite.

Have an amazing rest of your weekend everyone!

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