6 || The truth

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Brads POV

"Sorry doesn't make my bruises and scars go away" she then managed to get out of my grip and started running

I paused for a second from the words she just said broke me to know she is hurting because of me

I ran down the alley following the way she ran until I saw her in sight

"MADDIE" I shouted

But she didn't reply she turned around as I saw her face shocked and scared as she turned back around and kept running and so did I


"NO" he soft voice echoed as her pace picked up and so did mine

She then turned onto our road as I turned after her, she then soon reached her house as I reached it I stood on the pavement staring at her door

I hesitated if I should knock on the door but I'm sure that will just make things worse. I looked up into her bedroom window for a couple of minutes whilst the tears ran down my cheeks. I then crossed the road over to my house

I opened the house door and threw my bag on the floor and ran to the kitchen, I knew there was something in there strong which could help me. I started looking in the cupboard which has the alcohol in it. Wine, no to weak. Baileys, no don't like the taste. Vodka, perfect. I pulled the bottle out of the cupboard

"Bradley?" A familiar voice echoed

I shot my head around to see someone I didn't want to se right now

"Mum?" I questioned

"What are you doing with that bottle?" She asked concerned

"What are you doing back from work so early?" I asked trying to change the subject

"We got half a day do you not remember me telling you?"

Oh yeah she told me last night

"But shall I ask again? What are you doing with that bottle?!" She asked raising her voice

"Umm I-I-I" I looked back in the cupboard to find a chocolate bar in there with a post it note stuck on there with the name my sisters name on it. I ripped it off and snatched the chocolate out of the cabinet "just getting a chocolate bar I hide there so no one eats it"

I put the bottle back in its place and close the door to the cupboard and started walking out of the kitchen

"This is what happens when you steal my chocolate bars now isn't it mum" I smirked walking past her and ran up to my room and played on my Xbox and ate the chocolate bar which I can't wait to watch Natalie try and find later

I still feel bad about Maddie but if there is one thing that will take my mind off of her is Call of duty

Maddies POV

My mum soon called me down for dinner, I jumped off my bed and ran down the stairs to find mum sat at the table with spaghetti on my plate and just plane pasta on hers with no sauce or mince

I sat down opposite her to the plate with spaghetti

"Why haven't you got spaghetti too?" I asked

"There wasn't enough it's fine" she said twirling her pasta round her fork

"But mum you can't just have plane spaghetti pasta" I said not touching mine

"Well if we shared it you would starve and you know we don't have the money to have enough nice food for both of us" she sighed "now eat your dinner"

We both started eating I then stopped and put some meat on her pasta but only a little so she doesn't flip

"Thank you darling" she smiled "anyway how was school"

"I'd rather not talk about it" I shook my head at the memories

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Schools school of course I'm not gonna like it" I made an excuse up

"True" she paused "how's daisy?"




"Just fine" she smirked

"No okay it's not just fine! I hate him he always stirs me into trouble and I'm always the one who has to pay for it" I shouted running upstairs to my bedroom with the tears streaming down my face

I slammed my door and just lay my head into my pillow as I cried. I then heard my door open as I stopped and felt the bed dip a little as a hand traveled up and down my back as I winced from the pain of the bruises

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" My mum asked

I turned on my back and sat up so the pain didn't hurt as much

"Someone push me into the lockers because they saw me and Brad together holding hands on the way back from school" I sniffled

"But why would they do that?" She asked

"Because she hates me and will find any excuse to hurt me" I paused "but the worst part is Brad just stood there watching me with no sorry or hurt on his face and didn't seem to care, the only person who did seem to care was Daisy" I cried even harder

"But what about your other friends? What were their names? Lucie? Rose? Jess?" She asked

"They were fake I made them up. Mum Daisy and Brad were my only friends. Now it's just Daisy"

"Why would you make them up?" She asked

"Because I didn't want you telling the school or anything" I sighed

"Well will you at least show me what they did to you?" She begged

"Only if you don't call the school or tell anyone"

She nodded as I lifted up my shirt to show some of my bruises and scars

She gasped

"Maddie I have to tell someone! Have you seen it?"

"Yes I have! And it hurts like hell but I don't care! Your not showing or telling anyone I'm fine deep down inside"

"But I can't not tell the school she could be doing to others"

"Mum! Please don't it will just get me into deeper trouble, she won't stop even if you do tell, she will hurt me even worse please don't" I begged even harder

"Fine" she sighed in defeat

We both lay down in my bed as her hand traveled up and down my back but this time softly and soothingly

"I love you" she whispered

"I love you too mum"


Nice and long chapter for you

You got to see more of their backgrounds so I hope your glad

Also just in case your confused Maddie has been lying to her mum about friends and school and stuff so her mum wasn't excepting it

The Geeky Kid {Bradley Simpson||The Vamps}Where stories live. Discover now