28 || I Wouldnt Miss It For The World

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Maddies POV

"Okay I don't think I've ever seen you look more beautiful!" She screamed "and you look beautiful all the time"

"Awh thank you Lola" I said hugging her "and you looking stunning like normal"

"Anyway we better get going" she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the awaiting taxi outside

Once we were in I started to get really nervous. My first date with Jason wells. My first date at all.

Suddenly the taxi came to a stop and asked for our money which we handed him and walked into this beautiful Italian restaurant. As soon as we walked in I could see Jason and Tom sitting at a table with two other empty seats. We walked over and sat with them

"Hey" I said to them both

They both got up and Jason hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and then I hugged Tom but no kiss on the cheek involved.

I sat down opposite Jason and next to Lola.

"Maddie you look gorgeous" Jason said looking up and down at me

"Thank you" I said as I started blushing

"Are you guys ready to order your drinks" the waiter said as he came over

We all nodded and gave our orders and he gave us menus and left us.

"Well Jason tell me more about you" I said as I rested my head in my hands as Lola and Tom talked away

"Well I like football, pizza and I like to go to the gym a lot" he smiled as I nodded "what about you?"

"Oh well I can play the guitar a little" I shrugged

"No way I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar"

"Well maybe I could teach you" I smiled "but I'd warn you I only know a few songs and a lot of them are Ed sheeran, Shawn Mendes or Jacob Whitesides"

"Well I know a few Ed sheeran songs but the other two I don't really listen too" He paused "I'll guess you will just have to show me"

"I guess I will" I smiled


We all walked out of the restaurant and waited for our two separate taxi's.

"Tonight was really fun thank you" I said talking to Jason

"Well I'm glad you did because I did too" he smiled

"Ouch" we heard a girls voice shout as we turned around to see Lola and Tom making out

"Oh sorry baby did I step on your foot" he laughed a little

"Well we can tell they had fun" I said which made both me and Jason laugh

"Yes they definitely did"

We both went quite and I found my self moving closer towards him and him moving closer towards me until our lips were touching. He put his hands on my hips and I placed mine loosely around his neck while I stood on my tip-toes because he is so much taller than me.


Me and Jason both broke from the kiss to see the taxi man looking angry

"Lola and Maddie?" He asked

"That's us" I said pointing to Lola

I turned back to Jason

"Well thank you again for tonight and see you tomorrow at school" I smile

"Yep see you tomorrow" he smiled back as he watched me get back into the taxi

Once we were in I got a text

One Text from Bradley

Hey I hope your date night went well :) I'm sorry about earlier it's just I've got a lot of stuff on my mind which I can't really share but I'm fine I promise ;) x

I couldn't help but notice the 'x' on the end. He doesn't normally do that...

One Text to Bradley

It went amazing thanks! I guess we will have a lot of stuff to talk about tomorrow morning if your walking? ;) x

And within minutes I got another text back

One text from Bradley

I wouldn't miss it for the world :)) xx

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