Chapter 41

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Electricity pulsed into your brain from your temples, metal discs rested on them, causing you immense pain.

You were strapped to a hard table, the belts digging into your skin.

The only sound filling the dull and almost empty room was the machine buzzing and your petrified screaming.

Your boss stood next to you, holding his hand up.

"I believe I raised you to show me more respect. I went through all the trouble to find you, only to see you canoodling with a mortal." He said. His eyes stared at your pathetic figure.

The one thing that annoyed him fully, wasn't that you were unresponsive to him. It was that you weren't even talking to him, you were here shouting someone's name at the top of your lungs.

A name he didn't know.

"AL! AL WHERE ARE YOU?! ALASTOR! P-PLEASE-" You choked on a sob as the machine started up again, sending electric waves into your skull.

"I'm becoming impatient with you, Y/N." Your father seethed, grabbing one of your broken hands and crushing it in his grip.

Black tears flowed down your face, a staggered frown on your lips.


"I'm sick of your constant whining! Get her out of here!" Your boss said, letting go of you and walking out the metal door.

The buzzing in your head stopped, giving you time to actually breathe and think right. Your vision was blurry with tears, also not to mention the hangover you still had.

Two large demons came in and got you off the table, grabbing under your upper arms and dragging you away to the dark hall.

Leaving your hands to dangle in the air made the pain all the more worse.

All you wanted was to be away from him, from your dad. But you couldn't even do that? Not in life, not in death.

When your boss made you strip and just stand there while he stared at your body, he didn't touch you. That was the unsettling part, he never moved to place his hands on your slim, feminine parts.

You seemed to be going down a flight of stairs, even though you thought you were already in their basement. Or more of a torture chamber.

"We should feed her, so she doesn't starve." One of the demons spoke in a gruff voice, talking to the other demon that carried you.

As you got down to the bottom of the stairs, both of your hands were held tight together by one of the males. The other how ever, started to take off your clothes.

Panicking, and shaking, you kicked and thrashed around like a wild animal.

This movement caused the male holding you to grab your hair and pull your head back, you became dazed. You could almost feel the electricity pulse through your temples again.

Once you were left in your undergarments, the demon undressing you threw a hospital gown over your head and made you put your arms through the sleeves.

"There. Now give her her food."

The male holding your head forced you to walk to a cell, apparently, there was multiple cells lining the walls that had just watched you get stripped.

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