Chapter 44

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It took my dearest friend, Husk, to drag Al away from me. Not that I couldn't have done it myself, but that I couldn't do anything at the moment.

My figure was still, I heard the hotel doors open and see Charlie and her spouse, Vaggie step inside. I heard all their little movements they made, all the floors creaking underneath their weight, but no voices. As if I blocked them out, or wasn't able to hear them.

Mentally drowning in my own thoughts prevented such things as this.

The clique metaphor that is "You never know how good something is till you lose it" or something along those lines was haunting now. Whispering in my ear, telling me how weak I was. How I deserved to be in the basement.

A hand the touched my arm brought me back into reality as I looked up to see everyone's faces, some glaring, others like Charlie who showed sentiment. Usually, I'd find her worried look amusing but nothing seemed entertaining at the moment.

I leaned away from her contact and gave a bright smile. "Is there something that you need, dear?" I asked politely.

"THERE IT FUCKING IS! CAN YOU ACTUALLY SHOW YOUR TRUE EMOTIONS FOR ONCE?! YOU DAMN COWARD!" Al shouted, still being held back by Husk. I heavily sighed at his outburst. I really didn't like this, being here at this time.

Now where was Y/N's witty attitude when I needed it the most? The way her voice glossed over the most stressful moments like it was nothing made me feel..


Is that what it all was? Just relief I felt for her? It was almost underwhelming to think that.

I needed time to process how I felt for Y/N, to see if all I wanted wasn't just to see her bloodied and tore to death. At first, all I wanted was that, she challenged me and like the man of my word I am, I challenged her back. But, when I saw her on the ground, being treated like a rag doll with no purpose, by her own father none the less... it was saddening.

One thing that I undoubtedly admired from Y/N was her skill to smooth over obstacles like cutting butter with a silky knife. She was an assassin, a highly trained one at that. Coming up with new ways to brush past overlords with a bat of the eye.

I had seen it myself, when Lucifer had came to the opening. All Y/N had to do was drag a finger along his shoulders and he obeyed every word like a puppy dog more than a civilized sergeant. I was immediately baffled by that. Oh, satan have mercy to all the men Y/N has brought to their knees. She was strict with her actions, letting a sly comment loose every once in a while, which was always a delight to hear.

What was happening again? Oh, right, confrontation.

Looking back at Charlie with a faraway look, I hummed. "We're done here, right? Then I best be on my way then." Not even bothering to put a lively tone into my voice. I tapped my cane on the ground and disappeared with a ring of red smoke.

Teleporting to my office, I ran a hand through my hair and looked down at it. I didn't realize I was trembling till now. Maybe that's what Charlie wanted to tell me?

Staring dully at the window, I remembered me and Y/N's fight. It was a brutal one for sure, I had the mark from it as did she. My hand held my wrist, trying to remember the burning pain, to help me feel something that reminded me of her.

Was I ever going to see her again? Is she being killed at this very moment? While I'm here moping? Thinking that was worse then dying of The Galveston Plague.

My thoughts were everywhere, jumping from topic to topic, all of which were about the famous wolf demon that infiltrated my life. I was always so sure of how I felt, but now I didn't know what to think or feel. I suppose that now I'm alone I can just..

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