Chapter 47

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// I changed the book cover! I drew it. I hope you like it! Enjoy reading! //

- Earlier -
Charlie was laying her head down at her office desk, in a depression, with a phone in her hand. The phone call had just ended, and it was probably better if she didn't call the number at all.

"I raised you to solve your own problems. This is your hotel that you wanted, so it's your endeavors that are coming with it. Don't bother me with your silly project while I'm working. Goodbye."

Those are the exact words that Lucifer had said over the phone to Charlie. She wanted to ask him if he could help at all in finding out where you were. Since she was waiting for Alastor to find you but he failed, she came in. But the only thing she got out of the call was more heavy words from her father.

He was fully against the hotel. He made that clear from the start.

Suddenly, a roar, a scream of some sort echoed through and past the hotel. Charlie quickly sat up and listened intently. It soon faded away.

The princess got up from her chair and walked out of her office, to see if anyone else heard it. As she got to the lobby she saw Husk asleep on the counter, with a bottle of booze in his hand. Charlie kept walking down the hall and peeked into the library, to see Vaggie putting a book back onto the shelf.

"Hey, Vaggie?"

The demon turned around to see her spouse, she gave a questioning look. "Yes?" She replied. The princess walked into the big room and stood in front of the moth. "Did you hear that roar? I heard it and I'm checking to see if anyone else heard it." Charlie asked.

Vaggie tilted her head forward. "That was a roar? I thought I was imagining things." The princess shook her head.

"Lets go see if Alastor heard it, he probably knows what it was." Charlie grabbed her girlfriend's hand and dragged her out of the library. "Alastor?" Vaggie whined.


Both of the females whipped their heads to the side to see The Radio Demon standing next to them in the hall. "Oh! Hey, we were just going to look for you." The Princess of Hell said cheerfully. Alastor chuckled lightly and his smile became tight. "Well, you just caught me on my way out! Now, what is it that you needed?"

Vaggie sighed heavily and rolled her eyes. "Since you're a freak and know all about the freakish; do you know what that roar right now was all about?"

The deer demon ignored her insult to him and tapped his chin with his finger in fake thought. "Hm, I sensed something enter the seal but I have no idea what it was. I was going to go find out! That's why I was leaving!" He answered. Charlie smiled and opened her mouth to say something-


All of them went silent. That blood curdling scream was close, and it seemed like it was right outside of the hotels doors.

A certain human was sauntering down the hall when he too stopped. His head turned to look down the hallway, as he spotted the three he walked up to them. Yet not saying a word.

The four all moved in sync as they dashed down the hall to the lobby, they saw a ginormous shadow outside of the window and door. Charlie's eyes widened as she stepped to the door in wonder. The shadow seemed to quickly jump onto the side of the building and climb up it.

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