Chapter 45

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At the moment, you, Evangeline, and 3 other demons were quietly walking down the corridor of the 3rd floor. At least you thought it was the 3rd floor from the distinct noises and smells. The scent of dirt was a bit faded, meaning you were above the ground.

As you were approaching a wide window, a familiar smell of men's cologne traveled up your nose. You stopped in your tracks while the others kept walking and turned around.

It was Darius, your husband.

"Babycakes, where are you going?" He asked with a hurt look in his eyes. He wore a clean pattern blazer with black trousers, dark sleek shoes to match. Always one to impress.

"I'm leaving." You said blankly.

Evangeline and the other demons swiveled their heads to look at you, confusedly.

Your husband sighed, his dog ears flattening on his head. "You do know they'll just follow you, right?" Darius bit his bottom lip nervously.

That little action was enough to make you take a quick gulp. It reminded you of Al-


Alastor, it reminded you of Alastor.

Satan, you have to get used to this change.

Growling lowly, you replied. "I know. I don't care. Let them come, I'll just kill them." You took a step toward the male. "No matter how many times I have to."

Darius chuckled softly, smiling at you. "You are still as stubborn as ever." He sighed dreamily. "That's what I love about you."

"It was a forced marriage! Can you quit the act? You don't have to go out of your way to please my father! By pleasing me! We've been over this, I don't know how many fucking times!" You said exasperated. "So stop acting like you're madly in love with me when you're not!"

You clenched the bottom of your hospital gown. "We used to be friends. I know when you're lying. I can see through you." You said coldly.

Darius furrowed his eyebrows together. "I see. Then, you won't mind me trying to kill you? From orders of course."

Shaking your head, you backed up to tell the demons behind you to run. Which they did, except for Evangeline. If she pulls what Al pulled in the auditorium, you will go feral.

"I'm not going anywhere! What if you get hurt? Who will heal you?" She protested. "I'm your mother in law after all." The doe smiled brightly.

You blinked, your lips parted in defeat.

"Get the fuck out of here."

The female pouted and went to go lean on the wall. Stubborn woman.

Darius snickered from down the hall. "I like her." He laughed. You groaned from both actions and turned to your husband again.

"I'm divorcing you."

"Till death do we part, babycakes."

You chuckled and cracked your fingers. He didn't want to marry you, he was basically your partner in crime. Since he was married to his job instead, he played the part of romantically loving you when your father forced the marriage.

Darius reached into his pocket and pulled out a pistol. "Just like old times, huh?" He said, showing you the weapon. You tilted your head side to side. "More or less."

Aiming the firearm at you, he shot the gun. Like lighting, you jumped to the side. Yet, he didn't stop, instead he shot continuously.

"I notice you smiling! What's up with that? You becoming Jeff or somethin'?" Darius shouted over the gun fire. "Hell no! That man cut his damn face, I ain't that committed!" You replied.

"Hey, no hard feelings about me kidnapping you right? I mean, I had to."

"Eh, wasn't the first time."


As you dodged another bullet, your left arm was too slow to move leaving it to get shot. You grunted in pain and held it, the blood seeping through your hand.

"Argh! Come on, Y/N! You know how I feel about blood!" The male groaned, holding his nose and putting back his gun. "Well it's not my fault you're a damn cannibal!" You spat back.

Before the demon could speak, a voice boomed over the speakers.

"Darius, what're you doing? Grab her. Not start conversation. Now!"

Your father has eyes everywhere.

The dog demon locked eyes with you and whipped out his pistol again, your eyes widened and you ducked as the bullet shot over your bended figure and into the window behind you. The glass shattered, making an opening available.

"Go." The male said quickly, his ears twitching as he heard thudding footsteps.

You sucked in a short breath and ran up to the dog demon. You wrapped your arms around his body and hugged him, he immediately hugged you back. You looked down and saw his tail wagging, you suppressed a laugh.

Letting go, you turned to go get Evangeline but Darius grabbed your arm. You faced him, seeing his sorrowful eyes.

"Come back for me, okay?"

A wide smile spread on your lips, your canines showing. You nodded and ran up to the doe demon that was holding her hands together by the wall.

"Let's go, come on." You tugged on her arm and dashed to the broken window. Looking down you could see that you were indeed, 3 stories from the ground.

A shaky laugh left Evangeline. "You're crazy if you think I'm jumping out this window."

You narrowed your eyes at her and looked around her, to see the sliced bodies of the demons that were planning to escape with you. It seems like there was a trap down that hall.


The male flinched and ran to you. "Never mind I'm coming!" He said quickly and kicked the window, making more glass fall down.

You glanced down the hallway and saw your fuming father.

First, it was Evangeline that dove out the window, then it was Darius that jumped out the window. You, however.

As your boss was coming closer your back was facing the window as you leaned out of it, giving your father the bird with a smirk on your face.

"B u r n."

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