The World

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The world closes in on me.

It first steals the oxygen from my lungs, then it steals my voice.

No one sees me.

They keep walking past.

I am left to suffocate.

I feel my lungs struggle.

I try to call for help.

I reach out.

My knees bounce off the pavement. 

Dark spots block my vision.

No one stops.

The world clutches my throat. 

I pound the bricks beneath me, trying to get someone to help.

They all look right through me.

I roll onto my back and look up.

My vision clears.

I see the buildings stretching up.

Pink clouds scatter the vibrant orange sky.

I no longer feel my lungs struggle.

I no longer try to call for help.

I lay there looking up, and just let the world drag my body into the earth.

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