Shot 2

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That was a time when he completely hated the idea of marriage, so fucking scared he was with the word and the whole idea of it. It used to feel so suffocating even with the idea of being tied to just one person for entire life. What if he screws it up? What if that person is not good enough for him, what if they fight all the time, what of that person takes away his peace, doesn't respect his privacy or doesn't mingle with his family, what if ..what if..what if .......then there was his biggest fear, what if they end up like his parents!!

He was petrified with the whole idea of marriage and now as he looks at it, at the actions of his own younger self, it seems like he played all this act of I hate marriage or love, not because he actually hated it, but because he was scared of it the whole time.

Now as he thinks of it, may be him and Lavanya would have made a great pair hadn't he had broken up with her.

But, his action was justiciable cause he was attracted to Khushi more back then.

And being in a relationship with Lavanya only scared him more as he feared he would end up cheating Lavanya just like his father cheated on his mother.

But what he did was still rude and unreasonable, neither did he give a proper explanation on why he wanted to spilt nor what went wrong between them, given she agreed to all his and his family's demands and he knew it too.

There was a time when everything seemed perfect, but then everything fell apart like a house of cards.

One day, he still remembers, day when everything came crashing down.

There was some Pooja at his place, his Di had organised it fondly. Such a religious person she is, it wonders how she holds such faith given all the tragedies that happen in her life, but also like she says, her God does take care of everything, maybe she is right. May be not, who knows.

Albeit, it must be feeling good and supportive to believe that there is some supernatural power guiding you through life. May be that is where she drives her strength from, to get back despite falling down so deep and bad.

The day after that Pooja, Khushi came to his office. The day when everything he assumed was perfect fell apart.

She said she wanted to talk something important and he was getting late for some important meeting. Asking her to come later, he was about to leave his cabin when she said it was about his brother-in-law Shyam.

Thinking of it to be some of her silly pranks, he showed her the door when she said he was cheating on his sister and that caught his required attention.

Though his first instinct was to yell at her and scare her away, he postponed his meeting and sat down to listen what she had to tell. He still remembers, she was wearing a purple chudidaar with stripes of red here and there and was trembling like a leaf.

Passing her some water, he sat down as she started narrating,

"I...I ..I..I know ..I know Shyamji ....", she said not looking at him.

"Everybody knows him Khushi..he is my brother-in-law sister talks about him all the time .....your point being ..", he said arching his eyebrows asking him to get to the point.

"I mean...I know him before ....from Lucknow ...",she said gulping down some more water from the glass infront of her.

"I still don't get it are wasting my time here ....", he said looking at his wrist watch time and again,

"He is the one who saved me when I was being molested in public in Lucknow ..", she sniffled.

"You were molested?", he asked horrified, his eyes softened.

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