Shot 7

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Getting on his feet, he paced up and down, left and right to get this is all right.

But nothing seemed right anymore.

What the hell is happening to him? He didn't know.

He always knew what he wanted and what he didn't want.

But right now, it seemed like he never knew what he wanted and had been lost and struck in some void since forever.

And now his entire life seemed like a mess,

A useless crap shit mess!!

And though he had been blaming Khushi, even he knew all of it had absolutely nothing to do with her, she had no part in any of it.

It is all him.

He is the one who pushed her away,

Hell, in his bid to run from her and the feelings she evoked in him,

He even ran from his own family,

Hurt her,

Hurt his own family and

Blamed it all on her.

For so long he blamed it all on her, blamed it on the feeling she instilled, while he is the one who is broken, screwed.

And that angered and upset him more than anything.

It all seemed like he had been running round in some circles hoping they would lead him out, but turns out he was falling to the shit hole of spiral all this time.

Turning back, he could see his beautifully lit mansion, it had cost him over a billion pounds and now he wanted to burn it all down for all it seemed useless and pointless.

He built this life, with sweat and blood, pouring all his energies into this for almost a decade and now looking back it all seemed wanton.

What was he even doing all this time?

What is it all for?

Whom is it all for?

"Khushi is going to get married.", that one fucking sentence blew away all the peace out of his life.

What happened to him all of a sudden?

He wasn't even thinking about her before a couple of hours, then why all of a sudden?

What was he assuming till now?

That she wasn't married or she wouldn't get married?

After the day she left his cabin, he never thought about her all these years right? Then why now?

Anyways, how does it even pertain to him?

"Ofcourse, it does ..", he knew it too, but he wasn't just ready yet to admit that to himself.

Khushi Kumari Gupta, despite not seeing him or talking to him for over half a decade had still managed to get under his skin once again!!

Or has she ever left?

"What if she had been married before I got to know?', he asked himself and that only made him choke feeling more suffocated.

This just can't be happening.

Khushi got to him once again.

With no efforts from her side, she still managed to rob away his peace, his sanity.

She is once again driving him crazy!

Driving him nuts all over again, and this time, he knew there is no place he could run now, no place, no other person where he could hide and pretend she doesn't matter or the feelings he has for her don't matter.

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