Chapter 2: The mysterious man

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Hello there everyone welcome back
To another chapter and lets go and start.

Narrator's POV

After izuki got the beating of a life time. He decided he doesn't what this anymore he doesn't want to become a hero anymore. But he doesn't want to be villian either so he decide to just end it all. Izuku ran up to the nearest building and went to the roof top. He jumped off. But when he was closed to the ground somebody saved him. A man with a weird tatoo on his hand

 A man with a weird tatoo on his hand

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(art not mine)

Izuku fell asleep but the man woke him up. When izuku woke up he saw a mysterious man. The man asked deku " hey kid did you tripped or something you fell of the roof" izuku replied with a sad tone on his voice "nn- no sir" then the man said "then why did you jump? " izuku replied " i just wanted to end sir this stupid world is unbalanced even tho you're trying you're hardest to accomplish your dreams everyone will just knock you down even iff you're down the leg of life will always kick you even if you're down i just want to end it all i don't know what to believe anymore they say heroes are the one that saves people there wrong there just money hungery greedy bastards who just want attention and money they don't care about people there  just there JUST FAKES DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the man just stared at midorya with a smile on his face. Midorya was just there looking down and crying. The man picked midorya up and said " finally after all this years i finally found a worthy student " midorya was confused after that the man putted izuku down.

Izuku questioned the man saying "     what student? Why me? Sir " the man said its because you felt what is like to be in the real world the reality of life im surprised actually nobody i saw is truly just as pure hearted as you kid by the way whats your name again?"
" izuku d midorya sir" " What?!?!? Did i heard that right a d is your middle name "  "yes sir is there something wrong with it "  " well you see midorya all the person with d on there name was said to be one of the must powerful people a life not because of there quirks or no its there will power to stay alive " " w-what that seems fake sir ive never heard of this story before " " that's because only a few people know about the story of them. They're are only 22 people who know the story because they all met them on some point and then  i found you izuku D. Midorya "

Izuku said to the man " who are you sir" the man replied with "oh yeah i forgot to introduce myself im  Katashida Yusuhi the vigilante tell me izuku do you want to train with me and become stronger and do you want the to prove to the world there wrong?" midorya replied  " YES SIR "
" then come with me and train "

To be continued......

Words 519

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