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I don't know what to do in this situation. I'm frozen wether it's by her looks or by the fact that she just killed her father. I think it's her looks, I never liked that piece of Sh*t anyway. Wait, wait just focus Ashad stop thinking about her beautiful eyes and that perfectly symmetrical face and smooth skin. The weird thing is I'm frozen but I don't feel fear or shock. Wasn't this what I planed on doing myself? Was the plan not to kill him? Oh yes, yes it was. Why did she kill him? I'm so confused but I'm starting to feel irritated! I'm feeling angry but I shouldn't get angry in the presence of my love. Take a deep breath and relax yourself that's the only thing I should do right now. She's still sitting there, she's looking right at me. I feel so calm, I want to kiss her but I don't know if she would like that. Her lips look great even though they're covered in blood, it's smeared across her mouth. I can tell she tried to wipe it off. I love her so much, what kind of world would it be without someone so perfect. Oh crap! I'm getting side tracked again, ok what should I do? What do I do in this situation? She just lost her father should I comfort her? Wait but she killed him? Should I congratulate her on her victory? Even then how do I communicate with her? Do I know sign language ? Oh yeah I do but not that great. I'm confused my heads starting to hurt! I think I'm going to give her a hug and ask her if she's ok. I'm not sure how she feels right now but I can assume she's on edge.

I took a step forward, she clenched the knife in fear. I think she's afraid of me or just men in general considering the man that was supposed to protect her and teach her love just abused her. How do I get her to trust me? I'm not good at this stuff! I'm so nervous I can't even do anything. I'm going to try the sign language I guess. What should I tell her? I don't know! Just tell her your plan you idiot! Why would I tell her my plan about killing her father? Why am I talking to myself? Ugh! So I began attempting to communicate in sign langue. I also spoke to see if reading my lips would be a little easier just in case I'm that horrific in my attempt.
"Ayala, I love you so much, I don't think there's any other girl in this entire world for me, actually this entire solar system, I don't see anyone else but you in my heart, I love you so much that I was going to come and kill your father too, I had a knife idea just like you too! I want you to know that I've been in love with you my whole life, even before I met you I was in love with you, even before I existed the universe ordained for me and you to be together, I can't have anybody else, this world is huge but there's not enough women in the world to compare to you, you are the single most significant thing in my life and I will never be able to find someone better, you are what an angel aspires to be, you've inspired me to even learn sign language and I barely learned but here I am trying for your sake, I love you Ayala and I will never love anybody else, you are the rest of my soul and the future that I wish to have"
I'm sure my sign language was horrible because I'm not sure she was following enough of it or any of it for that matter. God I suck so bad I'm not good at anything. She was just quiet, she didn't utter a single sound. It was silence, the only thing you could hear was her breathing syncing perfectly with mine. I almost wanted to say I love you again just because of that. The silence continued for another minute at this point I didn't know wether I should stay or leave. Here I am standing in her kitchen with her dads body laying right there leaking blood. There she is the closest I've ever been to her and I can't even kiss her and hold her the way that I want to, destiny if this is you that's one way to say "f*ck you" to somebody. I took in the last bit of her beautiful face and that confused glare and began to turn away and take myself back home. I turned around and felt the softest hand I've ever felt in my entire life grab mine. Aggressively it forced me back around and I only saw her eyes for a second before she kissed me................she really kissed me and she whispered in my ear
"Your sign language sucks".

Her lips brushed against mine softly, so tender the pressure that she applied. At first contact I lost myself in her ways. It was slow and delicate the movement, I could feel the warmth of her skin probably from the rush of adrenaline from killing her dad. Her breathing was a little off but I could feel her tongue pressing against mine. She began to be more forceful as I wrapped my arms around her hips just like the movies. I held on to them gently and I began to lay her slowly on her back on the kitchen floor. She began to suck on my bottom lip, I could feel her chest pressing against mine, it was gentle. She smelled like roses and blood. I could feel my area rubbing against hers as she spread her legs. She was wearing leggings and I could feel the heat from her body rise as we continued to kiss each other more intensely. I could hear her moan and that made me nervous but it also made me feel hot. I felt this pressure rise from within my area and it pushed against hers and that's when I pulled away. I opened my eyes and there she was, I just kissed the love of my life! I don't know how to feel or what I should say to her, she's covered in blood and now so am I. She's looking at me while biting her lip and I felt intimidated by the look but strangely I felt nervous in a good way. She crawled on all fours and seemed so animalistic, she was right up in my face again and I could feel her breath hit my face, she looked me in my eyes as came into my arms and said........................I love you too..............and I always have.

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