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I'm waiting for something to happen, a noise or my alarm on my phone to go off. I have to be dreaming right, there's no way this situation just happened. It can't be real, it shouldn't be real or can it? isn't, she just spoke to me, she just kissed me and I just made out with her like they do in the movies. Not to mention her father is also dead but that's not really important. It is though why am I choosing to lie to myself. I need to breath, I feel like I can't but she's there...right there....sitting in front of me. She looks even more beautiful up close, I've just done more than I've ever thought I'd be able to in my entire life. What was that sensation I felt earlier, was I turned on? Is that why my area became so hard? What's going on? Why am I asking so many questions! I have to focus! She's still staring at me, sitting there with those radiant eyes and she's still covered in blood. I....I....I guess I might as well begin to question her, that's the only thing that really makes sense. I'm still nervous and my breathing is still not under control after what just happened but I asked her anyway.

"Wh...whu....why...are you able to speak ? Not....that't be able to speak and stuff but I thought you unable to do that stuff?"
She didn't speak once again, she sat there in front of me and all she did was stare. She began to observe me in a way of curiosity. I didn't understand Ayala and even now I don't. I can't comprehend her reasoning for looking at me like some kind of wild animal that she's studying. If anyone's a wild animal it's her. The way she's brutally murdered her father. She looks intrigued, I don't know if it's by me or my stupidity. Most likely the latter, she's really focused on me and continues to move her head left and right trying to access me from all angles. I simply remained quiet before she makes an that's the word I was looking for. It's when you ask for something and I have a very strange feeling that she wants to ask for something.
She finally broke the silence, she stood up and didn't say a single word. She walked to the sink and began to wash her hands. Her legs are so short, she's like a little person, those things that start with an M. I forgot what they were called but she's like that. She was wearing her underwear and Maximus was showing. That's a word for butt I learned from reading a book on human anatomy. It's pretty cool well at least I think it is, she has a really nice butt. It's round and has a fantastic shape. Like those models you see on the internet and stuff. Her skin is perfection not a single blemish anywhere to be found. Her booty jiggles, I laughed in my head when it did. Haha that's funny. She began to wash her face before she looked back at me and said.
"Come here".

I walked over to her still nervous, I don't think my breathings ever going to calm down because this is a situation I was never supposed to actually be in. I walked up to her from behind and asked her what she needed.
She said
"I want you to help me wash this blood off my hands"
I don't know why she wanted my help, she could've easily done it herself but I guess maybe she's tired. She did after all fight off a grown man and manage to kill mutilate him, I'm not sure that's the word but close enough. I didn't know how to appropriately help her since she was basically in the nude. I started feeling really hot again seeing her butt out and I got nervous.
She said
"It's ok, don't be afraid....I want you to touch me"
I took a deep breath and approached her from behind. She smelled so great minus the real of death of course. Her hair got in my face, she has a lot of hair. I moved my head to her left shoulder so I could see where all the blood on her hands were. My area pressed against hers and I could feel her butt pushing back against me. I grabbed both of her hands gently and I began to help her wash them off. I saw that the blood was not only his but also hers. She cut herself trying to cut him, I looked down to the side and saw his body laying there, he really fought for his life and he hurt her even in his last moments. I became very much infuriated but I tried to relax and just focus on helped her. As I was holding her hands and wiping the blood off slowly she began to talk.
"Ashad...I'm sorry that you've had to see me like this and I'm sorry you are so confused...I'm perfectly healthy...I don't have any disablement, that was a lie formed by my father to help get more money from the government, I don't know sign language and I can speak English fluently, I'm totally fine and I'm sorry I lied to you, I'm sorry I was never able to come to you and be with you in the way that I wanted, I'm a complications, well that's what my life has really become, I've let this man constantly do sexual things to me and I was scared honestly that he would kill me so I let him....but I wasn't scared of losing my life...I was afraid of letting him....take me...away from you....I let him do those things because if he was to kill me....Ashad....I would never have been able to be with you....I fell in love with you the first time I saw you and I haven't stopped thinking about you since....I feel that you are the love of my life and I would do anything to be with you...I killed him so that we could finally be together...yes he's forced himself on to me and took away my virginity as well...but Ashad I can only truly feel that way with you...I want you...only you can do those things to me...I'm sorry he was first to it but it didn't mean anything...I promise I only feel your love and only want to feel you within my body and soul...I love you Ashad...and I won't ever stop loving you...".

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