Chapter 20;

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Harry's POV

"How is she?" Gemma asks as I meet her for lunch one afternoon. Holly had been awake for three days now. Today, all of her family were there, as well as her brother who flew from the states, I told her I would join her later on; let her have family time.

"Shes.. she's not the same Gem," I sigh looking up as another pap takes my photo. "She's forgotten.. a lot."

"Well obviously if she thinks you're still together."

"What do I do?"

She holds her fork in her hand, some chicken and lettuce attached to it. "You tell her the truth of course, you think you can just live the rest of your lives together and have her not know the truth?"

I don't meet her gaze.

"Harry! That's incredibly selfish. Wow." Gemma shakes her head.

I hated the look on her face, as if she was disappointed in me. "How do I tell her? Oh yeah Holly I broke your heart and you moved to New York and then met some other guy."

Gemma blinks. "That's exactly what you say."

I shake my head. "Why, why does this happen to me?"

She let's out a breath. "It didn't happen to you it happened to Holly."

She was right, I was acting out of complete selfishness. I can't live pretending to Holly that we are together, that it is all roses.

"Don't you think she'll find out anyway? She's going to have to return to New York someday, she doesn't even have a home here."

"She's staying with me.. Until she can fly at least."

Gemma tilts her head. "Is that wise?"

I sip my drink, the paps had given up taking photos thankfully, I mean there are only so many photos you can take of someone having lunch with their sister.

"I don't know but I want her with me, I can look after her, try and make her remember things."

"And what happens when it's time for her to go back? I mean you have commitments now, you have a tour and promotion and-"

"I know," I close my eyes. "I know all of this but I'm putting Holly on top because she's the most important, I didn't do that a year ago, I'm going to do that now."

Gemma shakes her head. "You're delusional."

"I'm in love with her Gemma,"

"So you're going to make her believe that you never broke up for your own personal gain? Because you can't stand her being away?"

I look away.

"Harry, I understand, I do. But if you do this.." She sighs. "..You're going to end up heartbroken, again."

I let her words sink in as we eat lunch, will I end up heartbroken? What can possibly go wrong if I didn't tell her?

Holly's POV

I'd slept really well, my dreams were weird, the doctor said it's expected as well as flashbacks - I hadn't had any yet but, I wasn't excited about having them either.

Eleanor was sat with me as we went through magazines, it felt nice to just relax with her.

"I can't wait for your wedding," I sigh.

"I know, twelve weeks," Eleanor claps excitedly.

I look at her, "What?"

"It's in twelve weeks," She says softly, she takes my hand and kisses it. "Remember?"

No. "Oh," I smile. "Yeah.. sorry." I tap my head.

"I know," She sighs, "Your memory will come back sooner or later."

Yeah, I scoff. Sooner or later.

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