Chapter 24;

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Triple update because I'm nice.

Holly's POV

This past week has consisted of me finding out as much as possible about the past year or so of my life.

After telling Gemma that I knew everything she literally spilled everything she could.

I'd meet with Eleanor or Gemma, find out information and then return to Harry, a fake smile on my face whilst he cooked or made me tea.

But little did he know that in exactly twenty hours I'll be on the plane to New York.

Eleanor gave me all the information about where I live and work, and told me stories of me and James, he sounded like a great guy and it actually hurt me to know I was so in love with him and now not have any recollection of him whatsoever.

I was given permission by my doctor to fly, he was transferring my details to my nearest hospital in New York so then I could still go for my check ups.

"Are your really going?" Eleanor asks over the phone.

I zip up my duffle, kicking it under the bed before heading downstairs. I'd packed items of my own gradually each day this week so it wasn't noticeable that it was getting fuller.

"Yep, my flights at 10am. He'll be at work so he won't notice."

"He's going to call me, you do know that, right?" She sighs.

"I'm leaving him a letter, I'll explain everything in it, if he does call just tell him to read the letter."


"Don't panic Eleanor." I laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you. You're leaving me again."

I feel a strange sense of déjà vu, like I've done this before. Technically I have..when I moved the first time but, I can't remember that.

"You can come and visit me. You're going travelling anyway, then you're getting married..i'll see you at your wedding."

"Well durr, miss maid of honour."

We both laugh as I make my tea, I hear Harry come in and take off his boots, he then walks into the kitchen with a smile on his face, he nods towards me to ask who's on the phone but I ignore him.

"I'll speak to you.. tomorrow." I try to tell Eleanor through my voice that Harry is around.

"Yeah, anytime tomorrow," She understood.

"Yeah, maybe around five."

"Talk soon Hol."

"Bye Eleanor,"

I place my phone down before drinking my tea.

"Good day?" Harry asks looking through his post.

"Yeah, alright I guess.."

"Good," He kisses my nose. "I was thinking.." He starts as he holds my hips. "Maybe we could go on a date tomorrow night,"

I look up into his eyes, unsure how such a beautiful sight could tell such ugly lies.


He nods. "I've got something planned,"

I kiss his lips. "Can't wait,"

He smiles drinking some of my tea earning a slap on the arm from me.

"Tomorrow is sorted then," He comments heading into the livingroom.

I smile at the irony finishing my tea. "Definitely."

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