Chapter 28;

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Holly's POV

"Baby!" I rush as I quickly pick Harly up, I cuddle her to me as she sniffs and grunts. I continue to cuddle her as I look back over at the sofa.

"How did you get in?" I ask.

"You gave Eleanor a key.. she happened to give it to me.." Harry replies slowly.

Note to self: kill Eleanor.

"What are you doing here?" I sigh placing Harly down.

"I came to give you Harly back, James put her in a temporary home whilst you were in England so I picked her up, I was going to leave you a note but I wanted to see you."

I swallow. "Why? Why would you want to see me?"

"You left Holly,"

I look down at my fingers. "I know,"

"You had no right to just leave, do you know how much that hurt me? To find that letter?"

"Do you know how much it hurt me to find out all of those lies? To find out that the person I was supposedly in love with wasn't even the person I was in love with. You should have told me Harry, the second I woke up you should have told me the truth."

"I couldn't," He shakes his head.

I scoff.

"I couldn't bare to think of losing you again,"

"But you did,"

"I know."

I wipe the stray tear. "I..i think you should go, thanks for bringing Harly back, it was very nice of you."

He stands and checks his pockets for his keys.

"I'm in New York for the week, can I see you before I leave?"

I look into his eyes, the vulnerability reflecting back. His hair was getting long, his face tired.

"I'll meet you for coffee," I give in. "Just coffee."

His face lights up,"Just coffee is fine." He nods.

He steps around me awkwardly before heading for my front door, he puts on his boots and strokes Harly one last time before turning to me. "Bye Holly," He gestures for a hug and I accept, drowning myself in his familiar scent. He always smelt good. Always.

Closing the door behind him, I sighed before climbing into bed, I didn't even bother to change, I just curled up and fell straight to sleep.


"I got your favourite," Harry smiles shyly. "Mocha is still your favourite, right?"

I nod with a tiny blush. "It is,"

It was strange to be with him, sat in such a casual environment. Entering the cafe had been an experience - Harry was shouted at by the paps, and stopped for photos, I'd never experienced that before. I didn't even realise he was that famous.

During our coffee he filled me in on how his success had taken off over he past year, and answered all of my questions as to why people were now staring and taking photos.

"Don't you find it weird?" I ask sipping my second mocha.

"At first, yes. I don't think I'm use to it, I just tune it out now."

I smile looking away from him, every time he spoke he would look me in the eyes, then listen intently to what I'd say, I always loved that about him; how attentive he was.

"I've missed you," He admits.

"I know," I look down, the guilt too heavy on my heart.

"How about we try to just.. be friends, I'll take you on dates, show you that I'm still your Harry."

"You think that'll work?"

"We can only try," His voice soft, eyes hopeful.

I smile. "Okay, let's try it. Just friends."

"Just friends," He agrees.

"Then we'll see where it goes,"

He nods.

I smile, Friends. Just friends.

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