Chapter 3 - A Complicated Decision

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Paul's P.O.V.

I ran all the way home as I was a huge weeping mess. I'm trying to prove to Lily that I've changed, but she still doesn't believe me, nor does she love me.

Anyway, after I arrived home, I collapsed onto my bed and continued to cry some more. "Why, Lily? Why?!" I said through my tears. After a little while of crying, I picked up a picture of me and Lily that was taken on the day of our first date. Her parents took it before we left. I held the picture against my chest and the waterworks returned.

Lily's P.O.V.

I know I said that I don't have any friends in my life, but I happen to have someone who's very close to me. Her name is Madame Pomreeda, and she's a fortune teller. I always go to her whenever I need advice. Her daughter, Esmeralda helps me too. They've always been there for me and gave me helpful tips whenever I needed help.

Anyway, I stopped by Madame Pomreeda's house to see if she was available. "Hello? Madame Pomreeda? Are you here?" I asked. I see her come in a minute later. "Ah, Lily! How nice of you to drop by! Come in, come in!" She said. I follow her to a table. Esmeralda enters the room as well. "Lily, hi! I was hoping I'd see you at some point!" She said. "Hi, Esmeralda." I said. We give each other a quick hug.

"Now, Lily, what brings you here today, dear?" Asked Madame Pomreeda. "Well, I ran into someone that I haven't seen in two years." I said. "And whom might that be?" Madame Pomreeda asked. "My ex boyfriend, Paul McCartney. He wants me to give him another chance and fix our relationship. But I'm not ready to date after what happened. What should I do?" I asked. "Let's look into the crystal ball." Said Madame Pomreeda. She waves her hands around the crystal ball to activate it.

A puff of smoke appears inside and reveals a crying Paul. "Oh my gosh, it's Paul!" I said in shock. "He appears to be crying. Why?" Madame Pomreeda asked. "He thinks I still don't love him after I said I'm not ready for a new relationship." I said. "My dear, I think you need to give him another chance. He sounds like he really needs you." Said Madame Pomreeda. "Mother's right, Lily. Paul's broken heart won't be fixed unless you hear him out." Said Esmeralda. "I don't know, you two." I said as I hung my head.

"I think we need to see what might happen if you don't give him another chance." Madame Pomreeda said as she lifts my head. "Okay." I said. "Esmeralda, darling, will you do the honors?" Asked Madame Pomreeda. "Yes, Mother." Esmeralda said. She waves her hands around the crystal ball to reveal a bit of the future. It shows Paul holding a knife and stabbing himself with it. He collapses to the ground afterwards. My eyes widen at the sight.

"No! Paul might kill himself if I don't hear him out?!" I asked in shock. "It looks that way." Said Esmeralda. My eyes fill with tears. "I can't take anymore of this!" I said as I'm on the verge of tears. "The crystal has gone dark now. You must do what's right for not just you, but your feelings for Paul." Madame Pomreeda said. Esmeralda nods and rubs my back. "You can do it, Lily. I believe in you." She said. "That's very kind of you, Esmeralda. But this is starting to become more complicated than I thought." I said.

"Helga! Come in here please!" Yelled Madame Pomreeda. "Who's Helga?" I asked. "She's our servant." Esmeralda said. "Oh." I said. A woman wearing a maid's outfit enters the room. That must be Helga. "Yes, Madame Pomreeda?" She asked. "It's just about dinnertime. Will you get our food ready?" Madame Pomreeda asked. "Right away, ma'am." Said Helga. She walks into the kitchen just as I stand up from my seat.

"Thank you both so much for helping me." I said. "Anytime, Lily. Come see me again sometime." Said Madame Pomreeda. I give her a quick hug and she returns the embrace. I then walk over to Esmeralda. "Good luck, Lily." She said. We hug each other before I exit their house.

I make my way home as my mind races with questions. Should I consider giving Paul a second chance? Should I never talk to him again? Should I fix our relationship? I definitely need to think about Madame Pomreeda's advice and do what she says.

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