Chapter 8 - Lily's Final Decision

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Lily's P.O.V.

Two days later, it's finally the day I tell Paul what my choice is. Before making my way to his house, I've decided to stop by and see Madame Pomreeda. I wanna tell her that I'm making my decision today. I knocked on the door to her house and Helga answers it. "Lily! How nice to see you again!" She said excitedly. "Hello, Helga. May I come in?" I asked. "Of course. I'll let Madame Pomreeda know you're here." Said Helga. She lets me in and takes me to the chamber.

"Yes, Helga?" Said Madame Pomreeda. "Lily Thomas is here to see you." Helga said. "Send her in." Madame Pomreeda said. "Yes, ma'am." Said Helga. She lets me in as I enter the chamber, to be greeted with a smile by not just Madame Pomreeda, but Esmeralda as well.

"Good morning, Lily. How are you today?" Asked Madame Pomreeda. "Today's the day!" I said with a smile. "What's today?" Asked Esmeralda. "My decision is final! I'm gonna tell Paul what I really want!" I said. "Splendid, darling! I knew you'd get there at some point!" Madame Pomreeda said. "Paul's gonna be happy to hear about whatever choice you made!" Esmeralda said. "He sure will! I better go. I just wanted to stop by and say my decision's been made." I said.

Madame Pomreeda and Esmeralda nod with smiles on their faces. "Good luck, my dear. I wish you all the happiness in your life." Said Madame Pomreeda. "Go get 'em, girl!" Said Esmeralda. I say goodbye to the nice gypsies and exit the chamber. "Bye, Helga!" I said. "Goodbye, Lily! Come back soon!" Helga said.

The next thing to do is to stop at Paul's house and tell him my decision. On the way, I ran into one of his bandmates, John Lennon. "Hi! Lily, right?" He asked. "Yeah, Lily Thomas. Are you John Lennon? Rhythm guitarist for The Beatles?" I asked. "Indeed I am. Where are you off to at this time?" Asked John. "To Paul's house." I said. "Back together, eh?" John asked. "Not yet, but we will be." I said. John smiles and pats my back. "That's the spirit, Lily! He deserves another chance, after all." He said. I nod at his words before saying goodbye.

As I continued on my way to Paul's house, another one of his bandmates greet me. "Hi!" The voice said. I jumped back after being startled. "Oh! You scared me!" I said. "I'm terribly sorry." The man said. I immediately recognized the person standing infront of me. "George Harrison!! The lead guitarist for The Beatles!!" I said. "That's right, ma'am. Are you Lily Thomas?" Asked George. "I am. Has Paul told you about me?" I asked. "You're all he talks about, and thinks about." George said. "I see. I was actually going to tell him my final decision about giving him a second chance." I said. George nods. "He deserves one. Go to him." He said. After saying goodbye to George, I continued on my way.

One more voice stops me in my tracks. "Good day, miss!" Said the voice. I turned around to find a man with the same mop top hairdo as the other Beatles. "Hi. Ringo Starr, Beatles drummer, right?" I asked. "Correct. You must be Lily Thomas." Said Ringo. "I am." I said. "You used to be Paul's girlfriend, am I right?" Ringo asked. "Yeah. But I have a surprise for him as soon as I get to his house." I said. "Ooh, what is it?" Asked Ringo. "He's gonna get a second chance." I said. Ringo smiles at my words. "My! He's gonna be thrilled to hear that!" He said. We say goodbye to each other as I continue on my way.

A minute later, I arrived at Paul's house. I knocked on his door and he opens it, while holding his guitar. "There you are, Lily!" He said. "Today's the day, Paulie!" I said with a smile. "That's right!" Said Paul. He gestures to let me in and we sit on his couch. "Before tell me what you've decided, I'd like to sing you a song." He said. "Okay." I said. Paul tunes his guitar and begins to sing.

I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her, too
I love her

She gives my everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her

A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Paul's song brought me to tears. After he put his guitar down, we stand up from the couch, and I trapped him into the biggest hug. He returns the embrace. "I love you!" I said. After we let go, Paul's eyes were wide and his mouth was agape. "What did you say?" He asked. "I said, I love you, Paul." I said. "You mean, you're giving me a second chance?!" Paul asked excitedly. "I am. I'm also ready to be your girlfriend again." I said.

"Oh... my..." Said Paul as he was at a loss for words. He immediately collapses to the ground after letting out a swoon. I let out a gasp, but at the same time, I giggled. I bent down to his level and rolled him onto his back. He was still breathing luckily. Besides, he just fainted because he was overcome with happiness and joy.

I caressed Paul's unconscious face and kissed his forehead. I then walked over to his sink, grabbed a washcloth, ran cold water on it, rang out the extra water, walked over to Paul, and rang out the water onto his face. He woke up a few seconds later after that. "What happened?" He asked. "After I told you that I'm giving you a second chance, you fainted." I said. "Sorry, love. I was just so happy to hear you say that." Said Paul. I helped him to his feet. As soon as he's back up, he immediately pressed his lips against mine. It felt so good to kiss him for the first time in two years.

"What do you say we go on a celebration date tonight?" I asked. "I love that idea!" Paul said. We say our goodbyes as I make my way home, skipping happily back to my house.

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