Chapter 2

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Brett had a huge crush on Eddy.

He hid it well tho, since nobody could tell anything from his symbolic deadpan face. He did his best to hide his feelings because he didn't want to lose his best friend.

Brett didn't know how his shoulder rest broke, it just a common drop. After all, one of the main missions of shoulder rest was that it always dropped in the inappropriate occasions. Like when he's on stage, when he's recording videos, even when he's practicing, it never let him down. Therefore, Brett could not understand why it was broken by a simple drop today.

He tried to fix it but found himself struggling for 2 mins straight. He also noticed Eddy was staring at him, it seemed like he was thinking something. Brett could sense that many complicated and incomprehensible emotions were involved in Eddy's stares. He couldn't help but wanna blush.

God, please don't show it.

So, he decided to ask for Eddy's help: "Dude, you are not gonna help me?" He could feel Eddy came back to earth, so he continued, "How the fuck I broke this, gosh. I think I need buy a new one." Eddy laughed.

Please stop laughing, I can't control myself anymore.

Brett tried his best controlling his facial expression and settled himself in the coach after handing over his broken shoulder rest to Eddy.

Their thighs were so closed, it made Brett wanna leaned close to Eddy's warmth. So he did, he just need some excuses. Then he aimlessly browsed his phone and came across bunched of viola jokes. They were actually really funny.

Brett couldn't help but laughed "Bro check this out: 'How do you get a viola section to play spiccato?" Eddy shook his head, "Write a whole note with 'solo' above it." They both busted out laughing. "Dudeeeee, this is legit!!!"

God, I love these moments.

Brett thought to himself while showing more viola jokes. Viola did a great job this time.


After giving up his broken shoulder rest, Brett had to get a new one. After all, he couldn't function without it, his arm would tense up while playing, which was not Brett want.
But seriously tho, the weather is HELLISH. He sweated like a drowning dog. Everything was not important except one thing: bubble tea.

All he wants right now is bubble tea.

Brett politely greeted the lady in the store and tried to buy the shoulder rest asap. When he was done, he found Eddy was staring at him again.

Why he stares at me like that? Does Eddy find out something? Brett panicked, there's another voice in his head asked: Does Eddy feel the same as I feel for him? He shook the question back to his mind.

All he wanted right now was bubble tea. "Yo, let's go, we are done." Brett sighed, "Bruh, I wanna get a bubble tea, the weather is killing me."


Brett was surprised, seeing Eddy ordered his favorite flavor without even thinking.
The same question appeared in Brett's mind again, and just like before, Brett shook it off from his head.

After taking a big sip of his bubble tea, Brett felt all his energy were coming back. "Uhmmm, this is EVERYTHING. Bubble tea for life!" He saw Eddy smiled, and it just so heart warmed. But he didn't expect that Eddy would chock by the bubble. He reached out to pet Eddy's back, tried to help his best friend to breathe. Eddy has really wide back. He couldn't stop himself wrapping his arm around Eddy.

Oh my god, Brett, what are you doing!!! He was internally screaming to himself, but he didn't let go.

"Bro, you alright?" Brett asked with concerns. Even he loved bubble tea, he loved his best friend more. Wait, that could be a good joke.
So Brett joked about it to distract himself (or Eddy) from the fact that his arm was still wrapping around Eddy's back, "but if you die because of bubble tea, that would also be iconic tho."

He was satisfied that Eddy responded to his joke. Brett laughed at Eddy's fake angry tone.

This is just one of the million reasons why he had such a huge crush on Eddy.

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