Chapter Eleven

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"Girls don't go in there! Girls no!"

Mrs Winter, our boarding mistress screams as Jackie, Mia, and I race down the hallway to our dorm. It has been two days since Chloe confessed her relationship with Mr Miller. We were heading off to lunch when Mrs Winter took Chloe away and insisted we continue to the dining hall. The girls and I spent the entire lunch anxious as to where Chloe was and returned quite early. While heading to the dorm, Mrs Winter blocked our path and forced us to wait in the common room. However, she refused to explain why. Suddenly, we heard Chloe cry out and ran to her.

"Chloe!" I scream, running to her side, protecting her. Jackie and Mia join us and I suddenly realise who made Chloe cry out. "Shanon? Officer Carson? Why are you interrogating Chloe?"

The police officers who questioned Chloe and I, now a couple weeks ago, glare at us intently. Finally Shanon speaks, "We were given an anonymous tip that Chloe killed Mr Miller. While Mrs Winter held Chloe aside we searched her room-"

"Her room? Do you have a warrant for that?" Mia yells.

Shannon hands her a piece of paper and continues, "We found what we believe to be the murder weapon, in Chloe's room. We have sent it to a lab to get tested. We should know the results in an hour or so. We are done for now and will give you girls some time. Carson and I will be in the common room with Mrs Winter until we receive the results." Shanon strolls out and reluctantly Officer Carson trails on behind.

"I didn't do it. I swear!" Chloe demands. We are huddled on Chloe's bed, discussing what we need to do.

I don't want to believe Chloe did it but can I really deny solid proof?

"Chloe, maybe it was an accident?" Mia suggests.

"NO! I didn't do it... I loved him." Chloe insists.

"Maybe he tried to hurt you and you were defending yourself?" Jackie says.

"He wasn't like that. Ever. And I'm not a murderer!" Chloe declares.

"Well, how do we tell the police that!" I say, solemnly. "Chloe we've known each other since primary school. You could go to prison, forever!" I'm tearing up as I suddenly realise that Chloe could be gone for good. I really don't believe she did it. In the photos Chloe showed us; her eyes shined with a passion I have never seen before. I truly believe she loved him! "I've got an idea. It might seem crazy but it's the only one we've got!"

"The results are back. Chloe Jackson you are coming with us." Officer Carson says way too smugly.

Probably wanting to say that all his life, I think with a giggle before jumping back into reality. Chloe looks to me for assurance and I nod my head slightly.

"I loved him!" Chloe blurts out as Officer Carson advances to cuff her. "We were dating secretly." Shanon beckons for Officer Carson to stop and raises an eyebrow at Chloe, signalling for her to continue. "I have proof. Follow me!"

Chloe leads the officers into her room, while Mia, Jackie and I crowd around the door.

Silently like a mouse, Chloe slips the velvet box from its hiding spot, under her bed. Shakily, she peels off the lid and lifts out a bunch of photos and letters. Shocked and confused, Shanon and Officer Carson analyse them like robots absorbing information.

Finally Shanon speaks, "I'm sorry girls but this changes nothing but motive. Chloe you are still coming to the station with us. Your parents will meet us there. To my knowledge, they are getting you a lawyer as we speak."

Chloe's head drops as she presses her wrists together to be cuffed.

"Chloe no! I'm sorry." I pull Chloe in a tight embrace, our tears soaking each other shirts. "I will find whoever did this, I promise.

"I love you Abby. I always will." Chloe whispers in my ear.

"No Chloe." Mia and Jackie pile on top of us.

"I love all you guys." Chloe says.

"Chloe we will save you." Jackie declares.

"We'll find whoever did this." Mia stutters, her cheeks red and tear stained.

"Ok girls." Officer Carson tears Chloe from our tight grasp.

"Chloe no!" I reach out to her but Mia and Jackie hold me back. Slowly we walk to the door, tailing Chloe closely. Officer Carson forces Chloe into the back of their police car.

"CHLOE!!!" I shriek.

"Goodbye girls." Shanon nods before getting into the car.

"NO CHLOE!! WE WILL FIND THEM!!" I tear at Mia and Jackie's tight grip on me but they won't budge.

"I love you!" Chloe calls as the police car pulls out of the parking space and tears off into the distance. Abducting Chloe, abducting my best friend.

"NO, no. CHLOE!!" I scream but it comes out raspy and painful. I have finished being angry and now all I feel is sadness. A deep, painful sadness that rips at my heart. Tears soak my face and shirt but I don't care. "No, she's gone." I slump onto the wet pavement, finally free of my friends grasp. Jackie and Mia drop down by my sides and hold me tightly. My sadness leeches onto every memory of Chloe I have, infecting my life like a virus. For now all I feel is pain and regret but I know that I will feel anger and when I do, I will hunt down Mr Miller's real killer and give them the punishment they deserve.

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