Chapter Eight

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"I think we should follow him." Chloe announces.

"Same." Jackie and Mia declare.

"Ok lets go." I say.

We were heading to lunch when we noticed Jonathan Noles watching us again, he saw us looking and ran. We collectively decided to follow and confront him.

Last night, after our movie, Chloe and I stayed up chatting in my room. I tried to question her about Mr Miller but she seemed quite reserved and kept changing subject. Also, another question entered my mind; What if Mr Miller was about to email the rest of class about early morning training but was killed before he got the chance?

Is there any way we can find out?

And if so, does that mean Chloe is innocent?

"Abby look!" As I jump back into reality I see we are in the empty auditorium and Mia is pointing towards the middle rows. Chloe and Jackie aren't with us and I see they are guarding the top exits.

"It's him." I say.

Chloe and Jackie are closing in, forcing Jonathan to the bottom of the audi, below the stage Mia and I are standing on.

"What do you want?" Jonathan yells, once he stands below the stage with Jackie and Chloe on either side of him.

"We want to know why you keep stalking us!" Mia declares.

"I wasn't stalking you." Jonathan counters.

"Well it seemed like it since you are always watching us." I say.

"I didn't mean to scare you." Jonathan responds.

"Then what was it?" Jackie questions, softly.

"I just.." Jonathan starts.

"Spit it out!" Mia commands.

"I- I wanted to talk to Jackie." Jonathan coughs out.

"Why?" Jackie demands, curiously.

"I- I like you. You're so cool and beautiful!" Jonathan says shockingly.

"So you stalked us because you have a crush on Jackie!" Mia screams.

"You could have just told me." Jackie says, ignoring Mia's comments.

"I tried but every time I wanted to talk to you, you were with your friends and I got too scared." Jonathan responds, embarrassingly.

"Wait, that all makes sense but why were you watching Abby and I when we ran back from reception the other day?" Chloe questions as I begin to wonder the same thing.

"I was going to ask you if Jackie likes me back or if you would let me be with her. Only if she wanted to." Jonathan replies. "But I got nervous and you looked pretty anxious to get back, so I didn't."

This all made sense, Jackie had talked about him before and how nice he always was to her, last year she even mentioned liking him. But I wasn't entirely convinced, he could easily have made this all an act.

"Well that was crazy!" Chloe says as we exit the audi and head to lunch.

"I know. Jonathan Noles has a crush on Jackie." Mia says laughingly.

"You know the even crazier thing?" Jackie announces. "I think I like him back!"

"That's great Jackie! You always talked about how nice he is to you." I say cheerily.

"Yeah, and he seemed pretty eager to get with you!" Mia says smugly.

"Mia!" We all yell, falling into a fit of giggles.

That night, after hours of group studying and suspect analysing we are ready to head to bed. Chloe is the first to leave my room and I quickly take my opportunity. I have to tell the others of my suspicions.

"Guys, I need to tell you something." I say in a hushed voice, well after Chloe has left.

"Yeah anything." Mia assures.

"Go for it." Jackie prompts.

"It's about Chloe." I say. "I think she might be connected to the death of Mr Miller."

"Abby, that's a serious accusation!" Mia responds, shocked.

"You guys have been friends since primary school. Why would she be involved?" Jackie questions.

"I don't know why but the other day, when we relayed our questioning by the police. I skipped one detail." I say regretfully. "We were the only ones who knew about the 'early morning training'! And Chloe was the one who told me."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Mia demands.

"I wanted to get some more information because I knew that if I told you guys about my suspicions Chloe would actually become a suspect. I don't want to think she killed him without proof." I say solemnly.

"Well did you find anything?" Jackie questions.

"Kind of. Yesterday in my room she kept changing the topic and being quite reserved.

But so would anyone who's swimming coach had just been killed." I explain. "I just had to talk to you guys. What do you think we should do?"

"I understand how you must have felt." Jackie responds, pulling me in for a hug. "I think we should ask Chloe directly and see how she reacts. Maybe Mr Miller was going to tell the rest of the class but he was murdered before he got the chance."

"Yeah, I thought about that as well but why wouldn't Chloe talk to us about it." I say, confused.

"I think we need to keep a close eye on her." Mia announces, "She's our best friend but who knows what she is hiding!" 

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