yugioh fan-fic the girl with magic powers... Kari: part 11

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Part 11

When I came too I was in someone else’s home… I yawned and the door swung open and Atem rushed in “Kari!!!! What were you thinking doing something so reckless?!! You could’ve been---“I just smiled “thank you for caring… but I told you I’m not human…”I took off some bandages as proof “those wounds should have taken weeks to heal!!” “I know…” I got up and said ”I will be going now… thank you” I went out the door and home…I was unaware someone else was following me...when I got home a jolt went up my spine “come with me…” my body went where it was told… I wanted to stop but I couldn’t my body wasn’t listening to me!!! “HELP!!!!” my thoughts screamed “HELP!!!! SOMEONE ANYONE PLEASE HELP!!!” then my body stopped in the park… it felt spooky and weird… “Well, well what do we have here?” a shadowy figure walked towards me he sounded familiar…! “BAKURA?!!” “In the flesh” he sneered “you will prove very useful to me… yes very useful… I saw how you fought my pawn and I will have you under my control weather you want to or not!!” I shuddered in fear “HEL---“ my cry was stopped “now we wouldn’t want you getting help now would we?” he put a black mark on my cheek and the REAL me was trapped against its will! MY WILL!! I couldn’t get out of this one alone “Tea… Tristan… Joey… Yugi… Atem… please someone anyone HELP!!!!!!!!!”

Atem’s p.o.v

I was worried about Kari so I went to check on her, yugi came with me to see how she was as well,. When she wasn't home I got worried "something's wrong here..." I skimmed the windows to see if any lights where on or if I saw any movement “What’s wrong atem?" yugi looked at me curiously. “I have a bad feeling… she said she would be home…” “Well maybe she went to the store buy something… like milk. You know that she loves milk and is always running out” so we sat there for a good thirty minutes then we heard something “Tea… Tristan… Joey… Yugi… Atem… please someone anyone HELP!!!!!!!!!” “KARI?!!” we both jumped and looked around for her “…… Someone………… Help………. Please………. I ………….. I……………… Can’t………… Break………… Free……….. Please….. Help………. Me…..” we followed the voice to the park. Joey, Tristan and, Tea where there as well and so was…! BAKURA?!!

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