yugioh fan-fic the girl with magic powers... Kari: Part 6

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Part 6

My white hair blew with the wind then I spoke “I was outside playing with a stray cat and a ball before it happened… I was having so much fun…” I gritted my teeth “but the day before my dad refused to pay a protection’s fee from a local gang of thugs… so their solution was to set our house on fire…” my body lit up and the crescent moon mark on my forehead began to glow “they did this for no reason except to make a stupid point about when you don’t pay up! They took away my parents they…they…”my fists clenched and that glow began to turn into a whirl of wind then fire surrounded my body “I won’t ever forgive them for what they have done…” the guys looked at me sadly... they were just standing there and listening to me ramble on and on... and soon the fire died down in to a puff of smoke “Kari… are you better now that you got that off your chest?” Atem came and put his hand on my shoulder… I started crying uncontrollably then I hugged Atem… He just stood there... helping me... calming me down until I stopped, everyone else came up and helped calm me down as well… soon I stopped crying and they walked me home… it’s good to have friends like them

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