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"I can not believe you dragged me along to this." I tell Mark as I bend down to touch my toes.

"Come on Alex you act like it's so bad we're in a band we preform it's what we do it may not be on a stage but it is still in front of thousands of people." Rolling my eyes at him I start to jump up and down.

"Is it just going to be us or is Lana and Elijah going to be here to ?" I ask kicking my legs. "They texted me saying they were here not to long ago let's FaceTime them !"

Pulling out his phone he taps on Elijah's name he picks up. "Mark you'll never believe who we ran into !"

"You guys are meeting people I wanna meet them ! Where are you ?" Laughing at his reaction Eli tells us where he is and we start walking to them.

"Alex don't get mad at me but I'm about to scream like a little bitch." Mark says bitting his fist. Turning to look at what he's looking at I just smile.

"Why don't you go talk to them ?"

"Are you kidding me they are the Hardy Boyz." He says giving me a dry look. Laughing I drag him towards them. "No not yet !"

With Mark yelling the guys turn around and look at us. "Alex you made them look hurry we gotta run !" Mark doesn't even let me talk he just throws me over his shoulder and makes a run for it.

"Markkkk put me down and I thought you wanted to meet people ?"

"You see I did but now that I realize they are much cooler in person I'd rather wait till after we preform for they see how cool we are too." He says smiling proudly and putting me down.

"Alex Mark ! Over here !" Lana waves us over. "Dude can you believe I met the big show he picked me up like nothing !" She says showing me the picture.

"Mark would of met the Hardy Boyz but he chickened out." Glaring at me he sticks his tongue out at me. "I told you my reason why I didn't wanna meet them yet." He says folding his arms.

"Oh hey Alex and Mark." Elijah says walking towards us. "So Mr McMahon told me we go on after this match."

"Should I be nervous I'm kind of freaking out we're doing this in front of awesome wrestlers !" Lana says walking back and forth.

"Come on Lana we've done this many times they are just people like us." I say bumping her shoulder a little. "Come on guys hands in." I tell them putting my hand in the middle followed by Elijah then Lana and lastly Mark.

"Mark would you like to do it ?" I say looking up at him. "1..2..3 Riot !"

Jumping we all start getting closer to each other until we're all hugging.

"Your new heavyweight champion the undertaker !"

"So I'm guessing we're up ?" Scratching the top of my head Mark grabs my wrist and drags me to the front with the rest of the band.

"Ladies and gentlemen we wwe would like to welcome Riot !"

Mark runs out first with his drum sticks next Lana with her bass then Elijah with his guitar.

"You got this kid knock em dead !" Looking at who said that I notice it's the big show with his thumbs up and a huge smile on his face.

Smiling at him I run out microphone in hand. "Wwe how we doing tonight ?" I yell into the mic.

Getting next to my friends the crowd goes wild.

"I keep my blessing and my prayers in my back pocket tucked
'Cause I know everything we receive ain't luck
Tryna' make a name for myself maybe stack a couple million on a house in the hills
Yeah, the sun will come up but will I, I, I?
Will standing my grounds help me fly, fly, fly?
'Cause gravity just wants to be defied, fied, fied
'Cause gravity just wants to be defied, fied, fied
I don't even know how I feel lately
I don't even know what's real lately
I don't even know how I feel lately, feel lately
I don't even know how I feel lately
I don't even know what's real lately
I don't even know how I feel lately, feel lately
Something deep down
Something deep down
Something deep down is
Tellin' me "listen to your gut"
Your instincts, you should always trust
Calling you to run run to and not from
When they think they won won let 'em know what's to come
'Cause this time around I'ma listen to that
Something deep down

SWANTON LOVE | Jeff Hardy Where stories live. Discover now