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"Alexxxx !" Jumping up from my bunk I run to the front to see who's calling me.

"What happen !? Did someone die ?" I ask looking at my friends. "No but we're going to see the Hardy boys and we have a segment with them !" Lana says smiling awkwardly at me.

"Do I have to go ?" I ask rubbing my arm. Looking at Elijah and Mark they are shaking their heads up and down. "Fine let me get ready."

Walking to the closet in the bus I grab an outfit and walk to the shower and take a quick shower. Getting dressed quickly after the shower I walk back to where my friends are.

"Okay I'm ready." I say in a bore tone. "You don't have to talk to Jeff if you don't want to.." Lana says playing with her hands. "I know I wasn't going to he has Trish remember ?" I say smiling.

"Okayyy well come on the bus is parked in front of the building already." Lana tells me pulling my arm to follow her.

"You act like I'm in a rush to see anyone here Lana slow down." I say yanking my arm back from her. "Just because Jeff broke your little heart doesn't mean you have to be a bitch to me." She says fighting back tears.

"Lana.." I try going towards her. "I'm going to find Matt and Jeff I'll talk to you later dude." She says walking away.

All this because I'm butt hurt about Jeff being with Trish. I don't even know where Elijah and Mark are maybe they are already with the hardy boys and Lana.

Walking around for a bit I hear Marks voice. "You know Lana when you and Lance broke up you were a complete bitch to Alex but did she ever leave your side ? No she didn't for you to leave her alone somewhere in this building was an asshole move !"

Turning the corner I see my band mates walking up to them I stand in front of Lana. "Leave her alone Mark she had every right to be mad at me."

"Drop it we're here for a reason so let's get it done for we can continue with our tour okay ?" I ask looking at them.


"Lana would you lead the way ?" I ask moving to the side for she can walk past me. "Yeah this way." Lana says walking past us.

Walking for a good 5 mins Lana goes running off into Matt's arms. "Heyyy you made it !"

Looking at Matt and Lana I smile. "Hey you must be Alex right ?" Turning around I come face to face with Trish. "Yeah and you must be Trish." I say giving her a fake smile.

"Wow you really are pretty."

"Yeah ha uh it was nice meeting you but I have to be with my band mates maybe we can meet up again later." I tell her biting my tongue.

Walking over to my band mate I put my head on Elijahs shoulder. "I see that you and Trish are becoming besties."

"Shut up I don't even know why she came up to me."

"Because she knows who you are and that Jeff likes you." Lana says walking past us hugging Matt's waist. "I know you did not just walk past us like that." Elijah says following behind her.

Sighing I slide my back against the wall and slide down sitting watching everyone run back and forth with all the things.

"Alex come on they are about to tell us what we have to do for the segment." Mark says putting his hand out for me to grab. Grabbing his hand he pulls me up and drags me to where the Hardy boyz my band and Trish are standing.

"You must be Alex right ?" Mr McMahon ask walking towards me. "Uh yeah ?"

"The segment is going to be you and Jeff fighting about his and Trish relationship while Matt officially ask Lana to be his girlfriend and your two guy band mates are going to be with Lana and Matt you two will be fighting on the other side of the wall." Vince says walking away with a huge grin on his face.

Looking around I notice concern written all over my best friends faces. Looking at Lana I give her a fake big smile.

"I think this calls for a riot group hug." Mark says walking towards me with wide arms. "I love riot hugs this time of year !" Eli says wrapping his big arms around me. "Don't forget about me guys !" Lana says squeezing her way in.

"Riot ?" Lana ask.
"Riot." I tell her smiling.

"We're ready to start whenever you guys are." The cameramen tells us. "Goodluck I love you Alex !" Lana says squeezing me one last time.

Watching my band mates disappear on the other side of the wall I start to walk to where I need to be.

"Okay Jeff all you gotta do is walk up behind her and try to apologize and Alex you say whatever you please." Nodding my head I start walking acting like I'm going somewhere.

"Hey Alex wait up !" Stopping my walking I turn around to look at Jeff. "Look I really wanted to apologize for what happen when we went out."

"You don't have to apologize Jeff cause in all honesty I don't wanna hear it maybe you can go apologize to Trish."

"We are not a thing Alex !" He says grabbing his hair out of annoyance. "Well seems to that y'all are because by the looks of it she's looking for you right now." I say pointing at where she is.

"Are you jealous of her is that it ?"

"Jealous of her ?" Laughing I move up closer to him. "I couldn't be jealous of someone who sleeps their way to the top."

"You know what fine Alex when your ready to talk you know where to find me." Jeff says walking away from me.

Watching as Jeff walks away I notice Trish run up to him and tries to kiss him on the cheek but he pushes her away.

"Alex guess what happen !" Lana says running towards me. "What happen ?"

"Matt freaking Hardy just asked me to be his girlfriend ! And we're staying to watch the match between Edge and Christian vs the Dudley boys vs the Hardy boyz !" She says out of breath.

"Wow that's really great Lana as for the match I don't think I wanna stay me and Jeff just had a conversation and I don't like how it ended." I tell her holding back tears.

"Aw Alex don't cry me and the boys are always gonna be here for you." She says hugging me.

"I don't think he wants me here Trish and him just everything I don't want to fight."

"And I completely understand but can we pleaseeee stay for the match ?"

"Yes Lana we can stay for the match for you can see your freaking lover." I say laughing. "Thank youuuu now come on the boys are waiting for us !" She tells me pulling me along with her.

"This is going to be one good ass fight." I say getting excited to see Jeff do what he does. "They better not fuck up my baby is all I know." Lana says getting annoyed.

"You act like they mean too it's just part of the show Lana." Elijah tells her. "Yeah yeah whatever come on the match is about to start."

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