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You think you know me

"And here we go ladies and gentlemen eighteen thousand one hundred twenty eight have jammed this beautiful facility here in Raleigh, North Carolina and well the match they wanna see is here now."

"The following contest is a tables, ladders, and chairs match for the world wrestling entertainment tag team champions entering the ring at a combined weight of four hundred sixty-two pounds, the world wrestling entertainment tag team champions Christian and Edge !"

"The only way to win this match is to climb that ladder and retrieve the tag team championship belts."

"At a combined weight of five hundred fifty-six pounds, D Von, Bubba Ray, The Dudley Boyz !"

"The Dudley boy the masters of the tables.
Yeah but they aren't gonna be able to reach those tag team champions belts from those tables.
Their gonna have to master those ladders tonight.
Tables, ladders, and chairs are all legal tonight forget about pin falls, forget about tags, forget about submissions or count outs, forget about disqualifications."

Looking at the Dudley boyz I looked at the entrance of where the boys should be coming out of and not to long their theme song loaded came on.

Matt pointing at the ring while looking at Jeff and Jeff raising his arms up and down to make the crowd louder they go running towards the ring.

Both of them sliding in the ring they go for the Dudley boyz first hitting them with their fist then taking the chairs from edge and Christian hitting them every possible way.

"So Alex you know I never told you but um we're supposed to jump the barricade." Turning my head to look at Lana I laugh.

"To do what exactly ?" I say turning back to the match. Only to see D Von, edge, and Jeff on the ladder. Edge grabs around Jeff's and D Vons neck and Russian legsweeps them.

"I have to save Matt from Bubba and you have to save Jeff from edge and uh kiss him." She says blocking her face. "I have to kiss him !?"

"I thought you liked him !?" She ask with wide eyes. "Having a crush and liking someone are two different things Lana." I tell her rubbing my eyes.

"Come Alex please just do it for the show nothing has to happen after between you and him." She tells me with pleading eyes. "Fine but only this once."

Looking back at the ring I see Jeff dangling from the ropes holding onto the tag team championship belts.

"It's our time baby girl !" Lana says jumping over the barricade me following behind her. "Hey Bubba you wanna mess with someone come for me !"

"Oh my god Jerry look it's the girls from the band Riot !
Jim I never believed in love at first sight but whoa Alex really can make a man fall to his knees and Jeff is her first victim !
Victim ? More like a dog on a leash Jerry !"

Running and sliding into the ring I look around seeing edge on the ladder about to jump at Jeff. "Hey edge remember me ?" I say grabbing his leg and making him fall from the ladder and onto the ring.

He gets back up falling back into the ropes. Running towards him I grab his neck my knees hitting the second rope and pushing off making him hit face first.

Getting up quickly I pick up the nearest ladder and put it under Jeff's feet

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Getting up quickly I pick up the nearest ladder and put it under Jeff's feet.

"Jim they got it they got it the Hardy boyz got it !" Jerry yells yanking Jim's hat off and putting it on his own head.
"And they did it with the help of the riot girls !"

Jeff jumps off the ladder with the championship belts in hand Matt and Lana running in and grabbing one belt.

Lana jumps into Matt's arms holding the belt up high above their head and kissing him.

"Jim, Jim are you seeing this ! Matt has a new girl and she's in a band !
What about Jeff tho Jerry I thought Alex had him wrapped around her little finger ?"

Looking at Jeff I smile and look the other way starting to walk towards the ropes about to leave when I felt an arm wrap around my waist turning me around to face beautiful green eyes.

"Look Alex you may think me and Trish are a thing when we're not and if I have to prove it to you then I will." Jeff says looking into my eyes.

"And how do you plan on proving it ?" I ask smirking at him. "Well if you don't mind me kissing you on live television for all of wwe can see well mostly Trish." He says looking down at me.

Looking up at him I smile once more. "So is that a y-" before Jeff can finish what he's saying I'm on my tippy toes kissing him.

"Jim oh my god Jim she's kissing Jeff, Jeff Hardy is making out with Alex, Alex is kissing Jeff Jim I cant take this !
I can't believe this Alex just kissed Jeff well not to the locker rooms surprise everyone back there knew something was up !"

Pulling away from Jeff out of breathe he smiles at me. "So I'll take that as a yes." He says laughing at me.

"Yes Jeff Hardy it was a yes." I say laughing. "Looks like everyone is going to the back piggy back ride to the back ?" He ask bending down for I can jump onto his back.

Holding onto the championship belt I raise it up making the crowd go crazy.

Making it to the back Jeff lowers himself. Jumping off his back I notice my friends smirking at me. "Don't start." I say as I start walking towards them.

"Is he a good kisser as Matt ?" Lana rushes out.
"When's the wedding ?" Elijah ask.
"Can I be The Godfather !?" Mark ask jumping up and down clapping his hands.

"I hate all 3 of you." I say laughing at them. "But I guess I can give him a shot." I tell them smiling.

"I hear wedding bells already don't you babe." Matt says walking over to Lana putting his arm around her shoulders. "I actually do Hardy."

Feeling arms wrap around my waist I lean back feeling Jeff's lips on top of my head. "So I was wondering if we could take things slow ?" I say pulling away and looking up at him.

"How ever long you wanna take I'm totally cool with that." Jeff smiles and kisses my head again.

"Great now I'm going to go shower and I'll meet you by your bus for I can tell you bye."

"Yeah you do stink." I say laughing. "Oh whatever you love it." Pulling me into his chest I feel all his sweat wipe across my face.

"Jeff that's disgusting !" I say pushing him away. "Okay okay I'll meet you by your bus."

Turning on my heels I start walking back to my bus until I once again feel an arm wrap around my waist and turn me around.

"Just one kiss and I'll let you go." Jeff says smiling childish at me. "Well what are you waiting for."

Pulling me in closer Jeff places his lips onto mine again and it's like fireworks going off everywhere until he pulls back.

"For real this time I'll meet you at your bus." Jeff says laughing and running off towards the locker room.

Walking towards the bus I smile huge thinking about Jeff's lips on mine.

Maybe things are finally falling into place...

SWANTON LOVE | Jeff Hardy Where stories live. Discover now