I want to see you

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Walking onto the bus I notice all my band mates sitting in the living room turning their head towards me.

"Lover boy didn't come ?" Lana ask tilting her head to the side. "He went to go change and shower he should be here in a few to tell me bye." I tell her sitting next to Mark putting my head on his shoulder his head falling onto mine.

"What about your lover boy ?" Elijah ask Lana. "In the bunk laying down I'm going to go lay down with him." She says getting up from her seat and heading to the back where the bunks are.

Looking down at my phone Jeff's name pops up with his cute little picture I put for his contact name.

Answering quickly I put the phone to my ear.

"Come outside I have something for you." Hanging up quickly I get up from my spot being eyed by Mark and Elijah. "Jeff is here don't look at me like that."

They look at each other and look back at me smirking. "I hate both of you." Laughing I walk to the front and open the bus doors.

Walking completely out of the bus I notice him looking down at his feet with roses in his hands. "Hey," I say walking up to him.

"Oh hey I didn't even hear the bus doors open." Playing with the roses he awkwardly smiles at me. "Uh.. um.. err... these are for you." Handing me the roses I smile up at him.

"You can never go wrong with roses." I say smelling them. "I heard they're your favorite." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me into his chest.

Feeling his arms wrap around me I smile into his chest. "So um when we were having that little fight I was talking with Lana and she was telling me how tour has already ended and I just wanted to know if you'd like to travel with me ?"

Pulling away from him I look at him confused. "You want me to stay with you ?"

"I mean only if you want too." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "Jeff that would be awesome !" I say jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly.

"Do I go with you today or I catch a flight by myself and meet you there ?"

"I already bought you a plane ticket you can come stay with me tonight." Jumping into his arms again I wrap my legs around him. "I just gotta get my stuff."

"So Elijah and Mark already put your stuff in my room." He tells me laughing awkwardly. "They knew ?!" Nodding his head he places a soft but gentle kiss on my lips.

Putting me down I look at my feet awkwardly. "Well uh when did you wanna go ?" I ask looking back at him. "Well I'm actually waiting for Matt he was suppose to ask Lana as well."

Grabbing his hand I drag him into the bus I notice Mark tripping over his own feet trying to get back to his spot and Elijah sliding back down to his spot. "I'm going to miss both of you." I tell them laughing.

"Oh come here you little thing and give me a hug !" Walking over to Elijah I give him a big hug and he places a kiss on my head. "My turn !" Turning around Mark lifts me up hugging me tightly. "If he does anything to you I'm kicking his ass." Mark tells me looking at Jeff who only smiles.

"I can promise you nothing will happen." Smiling at him Mark finally puts me down. "Lana's in the back like the way back." Elijah tells me.

Grabbing Jeff's hand again we walk to the back opening the door to see Lana on top of Matt naked. "Lana !"

Covering herself and Matt with a blanket she turns bright pink. "Alex !"

SWANTON LOVE | Jeff Hardy Where stories live. Discover now