Double date drama

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"Alex you look so prettyyyy." Lana says putting her heels on. "And where do you think you girls are going ?" Elijah ask trying to sip his drink but keeps missing the straw.

"Your killing turtles you murder but they my lovely friend are going on dates with the Hardy boyz." Mark tells Elijah as he sits next to him.

"Wait Lana is going out with Matt Hardy ?" Nodding my head he sits back drinking his drink. "Huh and I could of been his everything fake !"

Laughing at Elijah we all hear a knock on the bus door. "Come on Alex the love of our lives await us !"

Lana says grabbing my hand. Opening the door Lana jumps into Matt's arms "Matt you came !"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world !"

Smiling at the two I walk out of the bus turning to see Jeff with roses. "I got these for you." Grabbing the flowers I kiss him on the cheek making him blush. "Thank you I love them."

"So what restaurant are you taking us to boys ?" Matt opens the back door for her and Jeff opens the passenger door for me. "Top of the world great view !" Matt says getting in after Lana and closing the door.

Running to the drivers seat Jeff jumps in and starts the car. "So I downloaded some of your music your really good." Jeff says smiling at me but quickly looks back at the road.


"How long have you been singing ?"

"I've been singing since I was 5 my grandma always loved hearing me sing she was the best I miss her." I tell him "but it's okay she's not in pain anymore."

"I'm sorry I bet she was sweet." He says putting his hand on my thigh. "I'm sorry I didn't mean too."

"It's fine really." I say laughing and grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers. "I hope you don't mind how I drive Matt hates it."

"Don't worry my brother Tony has a zr1 corvette and drives that thing crazy."

"You know those cute like little couple things like holding hands while he's driving is a sign of loveee." Lana says with her head on Matt's shoulder.

Turning around to look at her I laugh. "I wouldn't doubt that your pregnant with Matt's baby already."

"You know since y'all are really close." I say smiling at her causing her to blush. "I didn't know how to tell you Alex but since you already know do you wanna be the god mother ?"

"Oh I'd love too !" Playing along with Lana we bust out laughing while the boys look at us crazy. "Well we're here." Jeff says getting out of the car.

Opening the door I get out Jeff waiting for me in front of the car I walk to him.

"Name ?"
"Jeff Hardy"
"Right this way the waiter will be with you soon."

"I call sitting next to Matt !" Lana says getting into the booth first then Matt sitting next to her. I get into the booth sitting across from her and Jeff gets in after me.

"What would y'all like to drink today ?"

"Uh I'll have a water with lemon." Jeff says.

"I'll have a coke," Matt says.

"And we'll have a lemonade." Lana says for both of us. Smiling at her I mouth a thank you.

"Okay I'll be right back with those."

"So Matt are you officially done with Lita or is she going to try something with you again ?" Lana ask putting her face between her hands. "I would like to think I'm done with her I kind of actually like someone else now." Smiling at them I look at Jeff.

"What about you and Trish ?" I ask. "Who ?" He ask raising and eyebrow. "Trish stratus ?" I ask laughing. "Oh you mean the girl who likes me !"

"What about her ?"

"Aren't y'all a thing well kind of ?" I ask playing with my hands. "I mean not really." He says looking down. "Not really ? Meaning y'all are.. cool." I say laughing and scooting closer to the booth wall.

"Come on Alex it's for the show." He says trying to grab me. "Yeah and I said it's cool."

Looking at Lana she looks at me with concern in her eyes. "Here are y'alls drinks." The waitress says putting them down along with her big boobs.

"Come on dude don't you see he's on a date with someone !" Lana says trying to get up but Matt holds her down. "Oh it's not a date he's all yours if you want." I say smiling at her.

"Are you gonna take our orders ? Yes ? Okay greatttt I'll take the chicken with steak 6oz with macaroni as my side." I say placing my menu down.

"I'll take the same as her with a side of I'll beat your ass if you try anything with mine." Lana says throwing her menu towards the waitress.

Matt laughing nervously smiles "I'm sorry excuse her she's kind of angry." Matt throws his arm around Lana and tells the waitress his order.

"And for you sir ?"

"I'll have the same thing as him." Jeff says placing his menu on top of Matt's.

"It will be right out." Smiling at her I pull my phone out. "So you aren't going to talk to me anymore ?" Jeff ask moving my phone down a little. "I don't really have much to say I'm talking to a taken man."

"Oh so it's like that now ?" Jeff ask raising his eyebrow. "You can take it however you want I don't care." I say smiling at him.

"Here you go." The waitress gives Matt his food first then Lana, me, and lastly Jeff. Eating our food quickly Matt pays for Lana and Jeff pays for me.

"You girls ready ?" Matt ask.

"Oh very." I say walking fast to the car. "I'm sitting in the back." I say opening the back door to the car. The door behind the passengers side opens to reveal Jeff getting in. "It's Matt's turn to drive."

Nodding my head I scroll through Instagram. "Alex look Trish isn't-."

Stopping on a photo on my timeline I show Jeff. "She isn't what huh ?" Liking it I turn off my phone. "That's old Alex it's for the show."

Nodding my head once again I look out the window watching the cars pass by in a blur. "We can be really great bestfriends Jeff that's all I have to offer."

"What ?"

"Bestfriends that's all I have to offer I don't want nothing else." Looking at me I notice his eyes change a little lighter. "You don't mean that.."

"Yeah I do your a great guy and I need a bestfriend !" I say punching his shoulder a little. "Yeah of course." He says trying to smile.

Feeling the car stop Lana and Matt get out, me and Jeff following. "I had a good time maybe I can take you out to eat next time and I'll pay." I tell Jeff walking towards the bus.

"I wouldn't let you." Making it to the bus I open the bus doors I turn around to look at him. "But it's what bestfriends do." Slapping his cheek lightly I smile at him. "Goodnight Jeffrey."

Walking in completely I see the boys playing xbox. "How did it go ?" Elijah ask pushing all the buttons. "Yeah did y'all kiss," Mark ask focused on the game.

"It went like ass and no we didn't kiss he has Trish go look at her Instagram." I say walking to the back. Changing from my outfit I throw on my leggings and crop top.

Jumping into my bunk I get under the blankets setting up my iPad to look at Netflix. Vampire diaries I think the fuck yes.

Putting it on I watch it for a good 15 minutes until I feel my eyes start to get heavy and darkness takes over.

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