The Hardy Boyz

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"I don't even know where to go." Lana says throwing her head back. "Matt never told you where to go ?"

"Jeff didn't tell you where to go ?"

"I thought Matt would have told you where to go." I tell her laughing. "And I thought Jeff would of told you where to go." She says laughing with me.

"This sucks we're stuck back stage without knowing where to go." Lana says walking off to god knows where.

"Alex !" Turning around to see who called my name I see no one standing there "huh that's weird." Turning around to try to catch up to Lana she's no where to be seen.

"Uh Lana where did you go ?" Walking closer to where I last saw her I feel someone grab me and throw something over my head making everything go dark. Picking me up they throw me over their shoulder.

"Let me go you prick !" Wiggling around I try to slip out of the death grip but it only makes them squeeze tighter.

"Hey edge I got her friend she passed out though." Feeling the person move I hear a slap. "Ow what was that for ?" The other person says.

"Don't say my name you idiot now come on we're gonna challenge the Hardy boyz."

"So why do you need us then ?"

"Both of you shut up." The dude carrying me tells us.

You think you know me

"Oh my god it's edge and Christian !"

"Hardy boyz we have your girls and if you want them back bring the tag team championship belts with you !"

"You stupid little girl !"

"Edge watch out."

"Omg Alex !"

Taking off the thing that was over my head I see Lana and grab her. "We need to make a run for it !"

Getting up from the ring me and Lana make a run for it I feel my hair get yanked back. "Y'all aren't getting away so easily !"

"Oh yeah ? Wanna bet on that ?" I ask kicking him in the stomach. "You little bitch !"

My eyes going wide I duck when I see he jumps towards me. Looking for Lana quickly I see she's on Christians back pulling his hair. "You don't fuck with us were Riot !" She says pulling his hair making him run around crazy trying to get her off of him.


"Look it's the Hardy boyz !"

Matt runs towards Christian yanking Lana off of him. "No let me at him he wanted a piece of me he's gonna get it !" She says trying to break away from Matt.

Seeing Jeff run and slide into the ring he puts his arm around edges neck "ahhh" doing the twist of fate he turns onto his back groaning in pain. Jeff then goes to the ropes climbing to the top putting his fingers to his lips then putting them up making the crowd go wild. Doing the swanton bomb Jeff gets up and looks at edge "Don't you ever touch her again !"

Throwing me over his shoulder Matt does the same to Lana running to the back with their theme song playing.

When we make it completely to the back Jeff grabs my face turning it side to side to see if I'm okay. "Did he lay a hand on you ?" Shaking my head no I smile at him.

"No I kicked him in the stomach and Lana was on Christians back."

"Matt I'm fine ! I was kicking Christians ass did you not see me if I'm being honest I think he's scared of me and my moves now he knows not to fuck with me !"

Matt just looks at her like she's crazy "okay but did he hurt you is what I'm asking." Face palming she looks at him. "He did not I was kicking ass !"

"This is my fault you were put into danger because of me." Jeff says looking at me with sad eyes. "Are you freaking crazy it was fun and plus you saved me."

"Look if your so scared of me being here." Laughing a little I continue "here are two tickets for you and Matt to go see us preform in Las Vegas."

"I can't wait." Kissing my cheek I feel my face start to burn. "Aww Alex your blushing !" Lana says hugging Matt who proceeds to kissing her cheek making her turn bright pink.

"Aww Lana your blushing !" I say mocking her. "Shut up he did that on purpose." She says pushing Matt away. "But did I really ?"

"Just kiss me already Matt Hardy damn." Grabbing his cheeks she smashes her lips to his. "Oh my god Lana !"

Laughing with Jeff they pull away and smile at us. "I'm getting married soon Jeff and your going to be my best man." Matt says grabbing Lana and hugging her again.

"They are freaking crazy." Turning to look back at Jeff he's smiling at me. "Why are you looking at me like that." I ask blushing.

"Cause your pretty and I wanna take you out on a proper date." Smiling at him I look down. "How about in Las Vegas ?"

"I heard they have good food there."

"You know Alex I think we're gonna be great friends and maybe even something more if that's okay with you of course."

"And what do you mean by that ?"

Scratching the back of his neck he looks down "maybe you can be mine officially some day ?"

"She'd love that !" Lana says now on Matt's back.

"Would you ?" He ask looking straight into my eyes. "If you prove to me then yeah I would love that." Smiling at him I kiss his cheek "we gotta go the bus is going to be leaving soon for we can head off to Las Vegas."

"I'll see you soon again right ?"

"Of course and you can FaceTime me whenever you want !" Smiling at me he gives me a tight hug. "Be safe."

Letting go I smile at him and grab Lana. "I don't wanna go I wanna stay." She says about to cry. "Lana you'll see him soon."

"I'm in loveeee."

"I know it's gonna be one long ass ride to Vegas." I say climbing onto the bus Lana following.

This one kind of sucked I'll make up with the next one ! :)

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