First Disaster

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How does a person accidentally kiss someone? Short of tripping and falling lips first onto them, it seemed impossible. But hey, that's what had happened. More than 5 damn times in fact, including a time when Rangiku had indeed literally fallen lips first onto her captain. It was possible, you know.

Yes, she had accidentally kissed her boss at least five times, but none of them were her fault.

Okay, maybe some were her fault.


The first time had been a pure accident–not at all Rangiku's fault.

They had been training.

Hyorinmaru's blade sliced down towards her and Rangiku grunted, jumping out of the way just in time.

"Captain," she complained, voice whining in the way she knew he hated. "You almost took off a couple of inches off my hair that time."

Tōshirō's movements were quick, his body continuing through the motion and swinging his sword at her from another direction. Rangiku yelped and dodged, again only just missing the tip of the blade.

"An Arrancar won't hesitate to attack you because you're worried about your hair, Matsumoto," Tōshirō bit. "It should be tied up, anyway."

Arrancar-the core reason of every Soul Reaper's existence. Aizen was long gone and thankfully the Espada too, but the old surviving Arrancar still caused trouble as they tried to reorganize the Hueco Mundo Hollows. They weren't Espada level but they were still far stronger than standard Hollows and the other Menos types.

"Oh no, I couldn't possibly tie up my hair, Captain," Rangiku replied, ignoring the first comment and finally finding her step with Haineko. She parried Hyorinmaru's next attack with more grace. "I haven't got the face for it."

Tōshirō's eyes rolled for a second, but he didn't miss a moment of her transition to attacking, blocking her sword with ease and swiping back at her.

They were sparring out in the Division Ten training grounds. It was hot, almost uncomfortably so, but Rangiku had fought Tōshirō tooth and nail for them to train outside instead of in the stuffy old halls. She claimed that most fights against Hollows would occur outside so they might as well train in the relevant environment, but really it was just an excuse to get fresh air so her hangover would ease off.

Tōshirō, being the ice type Soul Reaper he was, was clearly feeling the effects of the heat – not that it hindered his attack in any way. He had stripped of his haori and black kosode top a long time ago, and sweat laced his entire torso, but still he couldn't be slowed in battle. Rangiku too had ditched her scarf and top and was now running around in an extremely revealing shirt. Tōshirō had sighed when she took it off but if he had any complaints, he didn't voice them.

Another slice, another block, Rangiku eventually found her footing and lunged, only for Tōshirō to knock her over. The blonde lieutenant huffed and rolled out of it, getting to her feet in an instant.

"You have been slacking off, Matsumoto," Tōshirō stated, unimpressed. "Your fighting ability is nowhere near where a lieutenant's should normally be at."

Rangiku rolled her eyes and swung her sword around again.

"I had a big night last night, Captain," she whined. "It was Izuru's birthday, you know? I couldn't let him drink alone on an exciting night like that!"

Especially not since Gin had-

Well, it had been a comfort for them both to spend some time together, even if it was a sad day drinking and Rangiku eating her weight with tortilla chips.

"An Arrancar doesn't care whose birthday it is," Tōshirō pointed out, again. "And they certainly won't take it easy on you because you have a hangover."

He came at her with his sword and Rangiku squealed, dodging it, again only just. This time however, Rangiku's ankle rolled and she cried out in pain, her sword falling from her hand as her legs collapsed beneath her.

"Matsumoto," Tōshirō yelped in surprise, dropping his own sword as he used Shunpo to quickly catch her.

Maybe it was the suddenness of her fall, or the fact she was still larger than her captain, thanks for that tortilla chips, but his strength did not hold up against her and the young captain fell beneath her.

Rangiku landed on top of her captain; her chest on top of his chest, her legs tangled with his legs, and unfortunately, her lips on his lips.

How that last bit had happened Rangiku had no idea. That type of thing didn't just happen, maybe in a human movie but not real life. Alas, here she was, her lips wrapped around her captain's and only pressing further while the rest of her weight came down on him.

"Oh my gods!" Rangiku shrieked, quickly scrambling to get off her boss.

It was a disaster though. She tried to get up but the hand she put her weight on to push up slid out from under her, causing Rangiku to fall back on her captain and this time knocking her head on his, leaving the poor boy with a splitting headache, almost like a hangover.

"Matsumoto!" Tōshirō groaned.

"Sorry!" Rankiku apologized quickly, attempting to get up again.

But the second time Rangiku tried to get up, she brought her knee too far up and accidentally kneed him in the crotch. Instantly, Tōshirō grunted in pain, his body trying to curl up instinctively only for Rangiku to trip on his leg movement.

There was another pained groaned as Tōshirō's head fell back against the grass. Rangiku froze, her face stuck in an empathetic wince, her knee still dangerously close to his.. uh, private area. She was almost too scared to try again, in case she injured him further or you know... accidentally kissed the man again.

"Don't move," Tōshirō ordered, through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw as pain glazed his teal eyes.

Rangiku didn't dare move, let alone breathe in case she accidentally crushed his rib cage, hit his head or something.

The lieutenant felt hands on her waist and slowly Tōshirō lifted her off him with strength he certainly hadn't had when they went down together, and rolled Rangiku off his body and onto the grass next to him.

They laid there for a few moments in awkward silence, unable to look at each other after that extremely awkward moment. Rangiku was glad for that at least, so that her captain couldn't see the horrific shade of red her face had gone.

She had accidentally kissed her captain-her boss! Oh gods, now that hangover seemed like the least of her problems.

"We're never speaking of this," Tōshirō said at last. It was a statement, an order, and certainly not a suggestion.

Rangiku nodded her affirmation and satisfied, Tōshirō stood up, collected his sword and strode away quickly without another word. Rangiku, on the other hand, stayed laying in the grass, praying for an early death or at the very least, a giant glass of wine.

Accidentally kissing her boss could only happen to her.


Aish, sorry that really sucked like dill pickles ,., I'll make the rest better

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