Seventh [Insert Name Here]

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Making a special chapter when our little captain gets drunk xD Enjoy :)


Tōshirō was never one to drink, let alone get drunk. However, when Zaraki challenges him, he drinks just to prove himself and ends up throwing out the Squad 11 captain altogether.


Tōshirō sighed as he trotted along with the drunken gang. It consisted the usual; Rankiku, unfrozen Renji, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Hisagi, Kira, Zaraki, Ukitake, Shunsui and even some other random squad members.

It was a party for their defeat over the last few Arrancar. And yes, another party but why another one? He had no idea.

It was unfortunate for the young captain because they all decided to drink in the Division Ten Barracks and worst of all, all of Squad 10 will be drinking too.

Everyone was out of their Shinigami uniforms and were wearing casual clothing but Tōshirō insisted for himself to wear proper attire. Or as close to 'proper attire' as he could get without wearing his uniform.

Rankiku had messed up Tōshirō's already messed up hair and he was extremely cross when she dragged him over but Yamamoto had asked him to watch over the troublesome group.

And here he was, simply a captain doing his job.

"Hey Captain!" Rankiku called cheerfully. "Want to join us?"

"I'd rather stay away as you guys kill your brain cells, thank you very much," Tōshirō bit back and he sighed.

Ikkaku went to grab the first round of sake and Zaraki looked at the white haired captain.

"Hey pipsqueak," Zaraki grunted. "Why're you here if you're not even going to sit with us?"

"First of all because the Head Captain wanted me to watch you lot," Tōshirō replied flatly. "Second of all, I'm here because we're in my squad barracks. Third of all, do not call me pipsqueak."

"Yeah yeah, whatever pipsqueak..." Zaraki grumbled. "Yo Ikkaku! What the hell is taking you so long?"

"Coming Captain!" Ikkaku came wobbling over with bottles of sake. "Let's raise a toast!"

"Captain! Wanna cup?" Rankiku asked and Tōshirō shook his head.

"Oh well, that means more for me!" Kenpachi poured everyone a glass and downed his without even cheering with the others. At least Izuru and Ukitake had the sense to drink it slowly but the Squad 10 lieutenant was already on her second.

"I'll just watch you kill your brain cells from here!" Tōshirō called, lazily propping himself on the wall and watching the others drink away.

Hisagi eyed Rankiku's bosom, his face turning red in the process. Tōshirō glared at him.

"Hisagi, don't even think about it," he warned and Hisagi immediately looked away.

Tōshirō's throat was dry so he poured himself a glass took a sip of the water that had been on the table as Rankiku came over, oblivious to what just had happened.

"Hey Captain~" she greeted me cheerfully and it was clear that she was drunk as she hiccuped slightly. "You're only having water?"

"Mhm," her captain replied. Rankiku suddenly smelled a familiar scent wafting from his cup of 'water'.

"Um. Captain, that isn't water," Rankiku suddenly said, snapped sober.

"What're you talking about?" He asked, taking out a file of paperwork. "It's clearly water."

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