Chapter 19: You could be the moon and I'll be the sun

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                                                                 Aria's P.O.V

        Arriving home, I look around at the empty driveway. So no one was home? "I guess everyone is out, did you want to come in?" I hope he wasn't getting the wrong idea, but from the look on his face, I think he was. 

       "I mean do you want to come inside and get something to eat?" Why was I nervous? I was just asking him if he wanted some food. It's probably because this is going to be our second time alone... in my house.

        I wasn't sure if he was going to answer or just stare at me. "Well, I mean if I have to but you better make it something good." That cocky smile was back on his face and it made me miss the sincere smile he had earlier. The one that made his eyes brighter. He looked so carefree, and honestly, it made him have this cute boyish look. Something I have never seen in him but I liked it... WAIT, what am I saying??

        I didn't know he was still staring at me, waiting for me to lead the way into my house until he cleared his throat. "Daydreaming about me I see." Alright now, all I wanted to do was slap his stupid face. 

         "You wish teddy bear" I heard him growl, and I took off running towards my front door, unlocking it quickly walking through and shutting the door in his face before he could catch me.

        "Hey, I was promised food! Open the door," I was laughing so hard because I could barely hear what he was saying. "Only if we call a truce?" He starts chuckling on the other side of the door. 

        "Hey, I never started this. I just want some food, okay? You can't offer someone food and then shove the door in their face." I still didn't hear him say truce, so I just stood at the door not saying anything. 

        "FINE, I promise a truce. Happy?" I wasn't sure I completely believed him, but I opened the door, anyway. As a sign of faith, right? I didn't like the smile he had on his face but he walked past me not saying a word. Should I be worried?

        He reached the kitchen with me right behind him and it shocked me just how comfortable he looked walking around my house. Despite this only being the second time he's been here. 

        "Alright, we have some leftover pizza, sandwiches, and something I think is pasta... I am not quite sure since that was Andrew's night to cook. "How about a sandwich and some pizza?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Well, aren't we hungry but I like the way you think."

        I grabbed two plates, placing one in front of him before grabbing the pizza. "Do you want it cold or heated up?" I hope he wasn't one of those 'pizza is better cold' kind of people. "Oh no, just give it to me cold." Well, I guess he was. "How can you eat that cold? It's way better when heated up."

        "What are you talking about women! If you heat it up after it's been in the fridge it loses that great texture and it tastes way better cold." He looked at me incredulously. "You are a lost cause." He just chuckles, looking at me intensely as he shoves the pizza slice in his mouth. I am pretty sure 'yuck' slipped out of my mouth by the we he started smirking.

        "Thank you for today day, I really appreciated it." He really surprised me by how much he really listened. It's not that I didn't expect him to it's just I thought maybe he would nod his head here and there and maybe throw a few 'Yeah's' in there but no he listened with so much intensity that it shocked me. 

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