Chapter One: The Note

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"Claire, under no circumstances are you allowed out." 

"Dad, Jacob will be there with me."

"I don't trust him either. It's too dangerous for you to be out."

"But you get to leave."

"I have to go to work, and it's always during the day. I'm sorry Claire but you're just going to have to stay here."

"I haven't been outside since the bombing." I pouted quietly.

"I know, but it's simply not safe for you. It's my job to keep you safe as your father, and that means no

leaving the house."

"Okay." I muttered.

"I have to go, but please don't leave the house." He kissed my head and walked out.

Slowly, I made my way to my room.

I haven't been outside in a year, and it's terrible.

Two years ago, the government began receiving serious threats from a very powerful and cruel gang. My mother worked in the Pentagon, and she never told me what the threats were, just that they were terrifying and if they fulfilled the threats everything would crumble.

A year past, and everyone thought that we were clear. As soon as they got comfortable again, they attacked.

The gang bombed the entire Pentagon and killed everyone inside, including my mother, who was talking with the president. No one stepped up for the role after that, and the gang completely took over.

The United States is overrun with gang members, at least a hundred in every town.

Nobody is allowed out anymore, especially at night. There is a Nation-wide curfew that everyone must obey.

The leader of them all is Harry Styles. He controls everything. Our school, our curfews, our work hours, even our food, water, and electricity limit.

He is the reason for my mother's death.

I walked into my room to see the usual white paper taped onto my window.

"I should honestly just get a mailbox for him." I sighed, ripping the paper off the window.

For the past few months, some guy has been leaving me notes on my window.

I guess it's sweet, but I don't even know the guy, so it's actually pretty scary.

I debated on whether I should open it or not, and decided to.

My love,

I can't wait until you are safe in my arms. The world is simply too dangerous for a sweet, innocent little kitten like you. Once we're together, I'll make sure you can't get hurt. Once we're together, you'll feel so loved. Wait only a little longer, and then we will finally be together. I love you.

Forever yours,


P.S. I want you to wear this, baby. I had it made special for you.

A small golden infinity sign hung on a tiny gold chain, little rubies imbedded in the symbol.

It was obviously expensive, so I carefully hung it on my jewelry rack in my dresser. I'll wear it tomorrow.

What I didn't know about the necklace, was that engraved on the back of the symbol was: Property Of Harry Styles.

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