Chapter Five: Drunk

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(Claire's pov)

Harry dragged me back to 'our' room. I hate him. I hate this place.

I wish I had died in that coma so I didn't have to be here with him. He claims he loves me but if he did he would take my feelings and thoughts into account. He certainly wouldn't have moved me to the coldest, most isolated place on earth.

"I don't know why you have to be so much trouble! I feed you, I cloth you, I give you shelter and warmth, and I love you! I don't know what I have to do to get you to see that I love you!"

"Take me home! Take me back to my father and back to the place I belong!"

"You belong with me!"

"I belong with a man who takes my opinion and my feelings into account when they're making decisions! I belong with a kind, smart, sweet man who only wants to makes me happy! Not with a man who is so possessive over the girl he 'loves' that he locks her away in the coldest and most lonely place on earth!"

"Baby I do love you! My job puts us both in danger and I have to protect you!"

"Protect us from who? Everyone is too afraid of you do anything!"

"I can't take any chances, baby."

"I just want to go home!"

"Well you can't fucking go home. This is your home now. I am your home. I don't want to hear you say another word about your father or your home, got it? I am this close to locking you in the dungeon until your outfit gets under control."

He puffed out a sigh and stomped over to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked , tears in my eyes.

"I need a beer." He slammed the door shut after walking out of the room.

I collapsed on the bed, sobs escaping my lips.

After a few hours of me crying, Harry finally came back. He reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke, his red eyes scanning the room for me.

"Baby?" He slurred.

"What, Harry?" I spat.

He rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I missed you so much."

"You were gone for like two hours."

"I love you."

"You keep saying that."

"Baby I love you so much. It's so hard to live without you."


"Life is so pointless without you. I need you." He planted sloppy kisses down my neck and shoulder. "Do you love me?"


"It doesn't matter if you don't. I still love you. You're so beautiful and sweet and you're everything I'll ever need."

I smiled at his words and stood up, pushing him down on the bed.

"You've got to go to bed Harry."

"No, I wanna stay up and lay with you."

"I know, but you're drunk."

"You're beautiful."

"Thank you."

"I love you baby."

"Go to sleep."

"But I can't! You have to lay with me!"

"Let me get ready for bed. Stay here, okay?"


He babbled to himself and hummed loudly while I got ready.

"Baby hurry up!"

"I'm coming, Harry." He was suddenly behind me, his gangly body slumped over my shoulder.

"You take so long."

"I know."

"Let's sleep in the bathroom."


"Because then you can do your thing and I can be with you."

"Why do you want to be with me so much?"

"Because I love you too much to be away from you. I miss you whenever you're not next to me and just want to cuddle you on my lap when you are next to me."

"Ready to go back to bed?"

"Yay! Bed time!" He ran back to bed and threw himself in the mattress."

I giggled and walked to him after turning off all the lights. I laid next to him and smiled when he dug his head into my neck.

"I like your pajamas."

"Thank you." He toyed with the hem of my shirt."

"Th-they're so soft." He yawned and wrapped his arms fully around me.

"Good night Harry."

"Good night baby. I love you."

I was woken up four hours later at at three in the morning by the bathroom light and the sound on vomiting.

"Harry?" I rubbed my eye as I sat up, still half asleep.

"I-I'm in here baby."

I ran in the bathroom to see him hunched over the toilet. I rubbed his back as he vomited, tears coming to his eyes:

"Do you want me to get you some water?"

"N-no, I need you right now baby." He slowly removes his head from the toilet bowl and leaned against the wall, clutching his stomach. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, ticking me under his armpit.

"I'm sorry about this angel."

"It's okay, I don't mind."

"You're so sweet."

"Do you want me to stay up incase you get sick again?"

"No, I've been up for a while and I think I got most of it out."

"Wake me up of you need me." I yawned and curled into his warm side.

"Will do baby." I felt a pair of lips press against my head before my eyelids slid shut and I fell asleep.

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