Chapter Eleven: Wedding

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(Claire's pov)

My wedding is in six hours.

I might throw up.

Harry and I spent the night apart last night, which was terrible. I can't sleep without Harry by my side anymore, and I couldn't stop thinking about Jacob. He's somewhere out there, all alone, and I'm about to get married without him.

Harry and his men are trying everything to find him, they even sent another plane down there to try and located him on foot. They know he crashed on an island, but they don't know where he isn't or if he is even alive.

My phone buzzed on my lap, making me pick it up. Harry was calling me.

"Harry? Is everything okay?"

"Of course it is baby. We're about to get married."

"Why are you calling, then?"

"I just wanted to tell you some good news about Jacob."

"What is it?" My heart skipped a beat at the mention of my best friends name.

"The scouts found him. He's on a plane right now!"

"Really? Oh Harry, that's amazing!" I stood up from my chair in excitement.

"I know, baby. For now you calm down and get ready I'll see you soon."

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too, my sweet love. I'll see you soon." I hung up the phone, smiling.

Suddenly Haley, who is Niall's girlfriend, burst into the room. She rushed to me and pushed me back down on the chair.

"What are you doing?" I asked, giggling.

"Harry told me to get you ready for the wedding, so it's make up time!"

(Harry's pov)

(Six hours later)

"Are you ready to be married?" Niall asked, smirking as he helped me with my suit.

"I'm ready to spend my life with my girl, but I don't know how the whole married thing will go with my men."

"They'll understand, Harry. You fell in love. Most of them have girlfriends and wives anyway."

"Most of them aren't leading the gang. I love Claire, but she's endangered by me and my job."

"I wish you would have thought of that before you're about not to get married, but sometimes you have to take risks. Your entire relationship is based off of risks, Hell, your life is based off of risks!"

"I don't want her to feel like she isn't safe though. I want her to be secure in the fact that I can keep her safe."

"You're being ridiculous now, Harry. She wouldn't be saying she loves you if she didn't think you could keep her safe. You have to have some confidence, or you'll never get anywhere."

"You're right Niall. We're in love!"  

Confidence and security overwhelmed me as a smile broke out on my face.

"Now go out there and get your girl before someone else does."

"Thanks Niall. You're my best mate."

"Don't get sappy, do that in your vows."

I chuckled and made my way out of the room and to the church.

My confidence grew thinner and thinner the closer I got to the alter. My palms got sweaty and a pit formed in my stomach. The few moments I was standing alone at the alter seemed like hours. Finally, the music started.

My girl stepped into the room, all of the audience turning to look at her stunning figure. The white dress hugged her curves perfectly while the lace veil flowed with her hair done her back. I could feel tears come to my eyes as she stepped closer, and with every step I was reminded more and more about why I loved her. Jacob, who had just got off the plane, walked her up to me before kissing her cheek and sitting down.

I took her hand when she got close enough and guided her into her spot.

Everything about her is perfect. 

I'm the luckiest man in the world to be able to say she's mine. Mine and no one else's. The preacher raddled on until it came to our vows. Claire went first.

"When I first met you, I thought you were just some guy who had a fascination with me. I cannot put into words how happy I am that you found me. You're loving, protective, and so thoughtful. I haven't spent very much time with you, but I wholeheartedly know that you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Some people spend their entire lives searching for their true love, but my true love already found me. I love you with every fiber in my being, and I always will." 

I wish I could kiss her and hold her in my arms, but we'll save that until after the ceremony. Now, it's my turn for the vows.

"All my life, I've been alone and have liked it. Then I met you, and now I have a thirst only you can quench. No matter what happens, you will always be the only thing I'll ever need. I love you, baby. I love you and I am so ready to spend my life with you."

She suppressed a sob as we gazed into each other's eyes. The reverent continued to talk, and I grew more and more anxious to kiss my girl.

"I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss the bride." 

I immediately pulled my girl to my chest and pressed my lips to hers. Fireworks erupted from our kiss while the audience erupted with laughter.

"I love you, baby." I whispered in her ear. Both of us had tears in our eyes, but I wiped hers away. "Are you ready?" I asked her as we walked down the hall. We decided to leave early for our honey moon instead of staying for the party.

"Of course I am. I'm in love with you."

I kissed her forehead and took her to our room so she's could change. I couldn't keep myself fro, her for very long, though. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck, making her smile.

"Harry, not yet."

"Baby... I want to love you properly."

"Wait just until we get to our honey moon spot." 

"Alright baby, go get dressed and then we'll leave."

She smiled and pecked my lips before changing into the simple white dress.

I slipped my hand over hears and pulled her out of the room. She giggled as we ran to the plane that was taking us to the Caribbean. She bid Jacob goodbye before we both boarded the plane, starting out lives tighter as a married and in love couple. 

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