Chapter Four: You Will Never Escape Me

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Sixteen hours later, the plane cruised to a stop and I gently woke Claire up.

"C'mon baby love, let's get you dressed for the cold."

I wrapped a coat around her and slid a hat on her head.

After helping her out gloves on too, I dressed myself, then finally led her off the plane.

She cringed as we exited the plane, the cold immediately hitting our faces.

Since I own the plane, I have a run way for it near my home.

It's about an eighth of a mile there.

"Hold my hand baby, I don't want you getting turned around out here. The snow makes it easy." She reluctantly slipped her hand into mine, letting me tuck our hands under my armpit to try and keep them warm.

After a few minutes I led her up the front steps to my mansion. The warm air flooded out when I opened the front door, and Claire eagerly stepped inside.

"Your house is beautiful." She said flatly, trying to be polite.

"It's our house now."

"Oh." Her hand rubbed her forehead.

"Does your head still hurt baby?" She nodded, looking at her feet as I walked to her. "C'mon love, let's get you some medicine."

She tensed as I slipped my arm around her waist and gently guided her throughout the house.

"Tell me what you're feeling love."

"Well, m-my head hurts really badly, and I feel kinda nauseous." I dug through the medicine cabinet, finally finding an ibuprofen.

"I'm sorry baby, were you feeling like this before?"

"Just when we were in the car and now." I set my hand gently on her forehead. She was warm.

I filled up a small glass with water and handed her the pill.

She slowly digested the pill and water.

"Sweetheart, why don't we get you to bed, yeah? Are you tired?"

"I guess so..." I scooped her up and carried her to our room.

She was tense the entire time I touched her, only relaxing when I laid her on the bed.

"Baby, look at me." I sat next to the bed on my knees while Claire stretched out on the bed. She rolled over to face me. "I know you don't know me very well, and you're scared and don't really know what's happening, but I do love you. It's hard to believe but I love you so much baby. You're so beautiful and intelligent, and you're sweet too. It was really selfish of me to take you away from your father, but you're going to love it here. I promise I will make your life so much better." I kissed her head, gently rubbing her cheek with my thumb.

Her eyes were consumed in conflict.

"Good night kitten."

"Good night Harry." I crawled into bed next to her and hooked my arm around her waist.

( the next day)

I woke up in the middle of the night with a pillow in my arms and no Claire.

"Damnit!" I swore, shooting up out of bed. I charged down the hallway and saw the front door slightly open, snow falling in.

I grabbed my coat and ran out, seeing a small figure trudging through the snow, no jacket present.

"Claire! Get back here!" I yelled. Her head turned to see me and she began running.

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