Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"TOM, why are you wearing my hoodie again?" I yell, more fake angry than anything.

"Cuz your hoodie is comfy!" He shouts back.

I groan, and grab one of his instead, this was normal life of us just being best mates.

"Friday night is movie night and... the night I get to steal your clothes" Tom calls.

"Yeah haha, except you steal them every night" I reply

He giggles, "that's the whole point"

I walk into the living room and jump onto the sofa next to him.

"I got popcorn" he says.

I smile and put my glasses on. He then looks at me awkwardly and I simply reply "It ain't my fault I'm blind.

He laughs and I throw a handful of popcorn at him. Tom being, well, Tom he catches some of them in his mouth.

We both laugh. Ah, being stuck inside isn't the worst, it could be better but we've got movies and of course.... Tom.

It has been almost 2 months in lock down and overnight we've had movie night so I'm here wondering why Harry and Tuwaine are disobeying this "lockdown tradition." Not that I really mind spending the whole night with Tom by myself. Even though Tom is a fabulous and famous movie star he is prone to crying in even the lamest animation movies, that's one of the reasons I think he's absolutely adorable and very stupid, but he's my best friend of maybe my.... No.

I grab the blanket and spread it over myself, Tom looks over and gives me a pouty face.

"Get your own blanket Tommmmm!" I groan

"Please Haz" He whines giving me his puppy dog eyes.

I roll my eyes, ahhh he always takes control over me. I take the blanket and chuck it onto him to and he smiles.

"Where's my thank you!" I say playfully

"Hmmmm, it's over there" Tom says playing along,

"Unacceptable!" I reply and with that I start tickling him and he laughs hard.

"S-s-top" he stutters between laughs,

"Say thank you then" I yell in between his laughs,

"T-thank-k y-y-ou" he manages to say, and I stop. See this is the problem, we have such a strong relationship as best friends and anyone in my position wouldn't want to ruin the wonderful friendship I have with one of Hollywood's hottest actors. After regaining his breath he turns to me "we have a problemo Hazzzzz, we've seen everything on Netflix" Tom says to me.

"Ooooo well, there's this new series I was going to watch called Defending Jacob, I was going to watch it by myself as it might be too scary for youuuu!" I say giggling. He playfully punches me and then he says "try me!"

I put on the show and click play. (There are no spoilers for the actual show don't worry) as much as Tom pretends that he's not worried or anxious it's quite obvious he is. I mean yes it leaves you on the edge of your seat waiting but it's not that scary, for me at least. When the show ends I look over to Tom who is watching Intently and I put my hands on his shoulders and scare him. "D-d uhh!" He jumps and gets a fright.

"You divvvvv!" He shouts pushing me aside, so I fall onto the couch.

"Scaredy cat!, Or rather Scaredy spider" I say laughing hard.

"Whens the next Episode?" He asks as the credits continue to roll.

"Next week" I reply not giving him my full attention as I'm on my phone now.

"Excited for you birthday?" I ask just making small talk.

"Yeah but it's in like a week, so I haven't really thought about it." He says back.

"Dunno what I'm gonna get you know with all this lockdown rubbish" I reply.

"Mhm" Tom says looking over at my phone. "Who's that?" He says aiming at the girls Instagram I'm looking at.

"Oh, one of Charlotte's friends, she's trying to set me up with, I dunno" I mumble back.

"She looks cute" tom says.

"Hmm trying to steal my girls now ha?"

"That's not what I meant" he whines blushing bright red. "She's not really my type anyway" He whispers but luckily for him I didn't hear.

I kept surfing through her Instagram oblivious to the fact that Tom was still watching me. Looks like her name was Sarah Michael, huh.

She didn't look so bad. Maybe I could get my mind off Tom, I might have a change of heart and not ruin this connection completely. Anyhow I decided to message her still oblivious to Tom watching me.

I write:

Hey, I'm Harrison, Charlotte may have told you about me. I was hoping we could maybe meet over FaceTime tomorrow, due to the circumstances at the moment.


Yes! That's sounds great! Charlotte told me about you, keen to get to know you better.

Me; Greattt!

Her; Bye! Talk tomorrow.

Tom quickly looks away before I notice him staring.

"Righto what do ya wanna watch now" I ask switching off my phone.

"Eh, I dunno I might just go to bed" he replies.

"Bro it's only 11:00" I reply startled a bit.

"Yeah I'm tired" He says almost like he's salty. Weird.

"Nah mate you stay here, I'll go" I say to him, I quickly get up and leave. Hm maybe he is just tired. I get into my king sized double bed and turn the TV on, I mindlessly watch TV until my eyes feel heavy. I take my glasses off and rub my eyes. I contemplate checking on Tom but he is a grown man so he should be fine. I turn the lights and TV off and slowly doze off, drowning in my own thoughts.

It's around 3am in the morning when there's a loud bang from the lounge and and I awake with a jolt. The first thing I though of... Tom!

I quickly jumped out of bed and raced into the living room. When I got there, Tom was lying on the ground... oh thank gosh he just fell off the couch, I sighed Tom tended to kick things and roll around in his sleep. I picked him up as he was in such a deep sleep, and carried him to his room. He mumbled a bit and moved slightly in my arms. I placed him gently down in bed and closed the door behind me. Something dropped and I jumped slightly, what in the world was that! I'm just being paranoid now. I went back to bed and fell asleep, but what I didn't notice was a dark figure ducking, waiting to leave.

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